Author Archives: Admin4

Universal Basic Income is better than a minimum wage increase

Last week, an opinion piece was written in The Brock Press about the increase to the minimum wage. The wage in Ontario increased by 20 cents to $11.60 per hour for most workers ($10.90 per hour for students under 18, and $10.10 for liquor servers) on October 1 of this year and is set to increase to $15 per hour ($14.10 and $13.05 respectively) as of January 1, 2018. Last week’s article argued that the increase was not reasonable and likely would not help as much as the Wynne government believes.

J.D. Power: customers too slow to adopt to digital claims

Customers in the United States are still too slow to adopt digital claims reporting, despite auto insurance companies engaging in aggressive advertising and expanding digital channels.

In the J.D. Power 2017 U.S. Auto Claims Satisfaction Study, 11,857 auto insurance customers who have settled claims in the past six months. Claimants with glass/windshield damage were excluded from the study, as were road assistance claims.

After the accident: an action plan for families

Toronto personal injury lawyer Jasmine Daya says there are few events in life that evoke more fear than a call from a hospital advising that your loved one has been in a car accident and has sustained a catastrophic injury.

Insurance coverage issues after you’ve been sued in Ontario

In this article, I will discuss what you need to know about being sued in Ontario and how your insurance policy will come into play, including what to do if your insurance company denies coverage or asks you to sign a non-waiver agreement.

A Costly Change: Costs Challenges in Accident Benefits Cases

On June 1st 2016, significant changes were made to Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). One of these changes was substituting the venue for arbitrations from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) to the License Appeal Tribunal (LAT). Since then, a number of significant LAT decisions have been released highlighting how the landscape of accident benefits has changed. One significant area of change is the issue of costs awards.

When are accident injuries catastrophic?

A recent decision reminds claimants and their counsel that injured people can be declared “catastrophically impaired” without losing all useful functioning, says Toronto personal injury lawyer Fabio Longo.

In the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) case, the director’s delegate upheld an arbitrator’s decision to designate Longo’s client catastrophically impaired under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS), after the woman’s insurer appealed the original decision, citing concerns about her continued post-accident abilities.

LAT uses incorrect standard of proof, reconsideration allowed – AT v Aviva – 16-001934 v Aviva

On March 15, 2017, the LAT issued its final decision in this matter arising under the SABs).  The main issues before the Tribunal were whether AT was entitled to certain medical benefits, specifically chiropractic and massage therapy treatment, as well as the cost of an examination for a chronic pain assessment.  The Tribunal determined that AT was not entitled to any of the claimed medical benefits, but found that AT should receive the chronic pain assessment.  Aviva asked that the decision be reconsidered.

How the Perception of Injustice Keeps Injured People Disabled

When you’re injured in a car accident in Ontario, the insurance provider has the right to request an assessment from a provider they have selected; these are called insurer examinations, and I used to do a lot of them.  Typically, I was asked to see people who didn’t seem to be progressing fast enough, two years after the accident.  Most had some combination of both physical injuries and psychological issues, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and pain disorders.

Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me

Shireen Jeejeeboy shares her journey and discoveries to give hope to those who have suffered from concussions and the people who care for them.

Lawyer Jeremy Diamond appeals professional misconduct reprimand

Jeremy Diamond, the high profile personal injury lawyer and face of Diamond & Diamond law firm, is appealing a decision by Ontario’s legal regulator to reprimand him for engaging in professional misconduct.