Author Archives: Admin4

Auto Insurance Rates for the First Quarter of 2018

This notice provides an overview of the private passenger automobile insurance rate changes approved or ordered by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) for filings reviewed in the first quarter of 2018. The number of filings reviewed by FSCO and the overall average rate change for the Ontario market may vary from quarter to quarter, based on updated information about claims costs, market conditions, financial factors and the resulting impact that these factors have on the adequacy of an insurance company’s current rates.

What is Insurance Fraud and Why is it Costing You So Much Money?

Insurance fraud might seem like a victimless crime – after all, it’s only big companies losing money, right? The truth is that this common crime is costing regular drivers every time they pay their insurance bill. So, what is insurance fraud and why is it costing you so much money?

Assessments process still marred by delays

An Ontario judge has added his voice to a chorus of justices and lawyers calling on the provincial government to fix long delays at assessment offices.

In Linett v. Aird & Berlis LLP, Ontario Superior Court Justice Patrick Monahan said the government should conduct a review of the process for assessing lawyers’ accounts because of delays that are undermining public confidence in the administration of justice.

Canadian legal system could limit compensation for pain, suffering after Humboldt crash

A 1978 Supreme Court ruling and a Saskatchewan law will likely limit how much compensation can be paid for the pain, suffering and bereavement experienced by survivors of the Humboldt crash and the family of those killed — if the case ends up in civil court.

Poll shows Ontario voters care about biking issues, advocates say

As bike advocates from across Ontario gather in Toronto this week, some are eyeing the upcoming provincial vote with the hope of making cycling an election issue.

Ahead of the Ontario Bike Summit, which kicks off in Toronto on Monday, the Share the Road Cycling Coalition has released polling data that it says shows voters want the government to step up investment in bike infrastructure and programming.

CMPA:  Scorched Earth Tactics

The Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) describes itself as a “mutual defence organization” for doctors. The CMPA defends doctors who are sued in civil court for medical negligence. With equal vigor, the CMPA defends doctors charged under the Criminal Code for wrongful acts ranging from over-billing to felony crimes.

Memory and Brain Injury

“Memory” is your brain taking in, keeping, recalling, and using information. A brain injury can affect any of these areas of memory. A brain injury can also make it hard to learn and remember things.

FSCO Rate Filings – Profit Transparency Lacking!

Today, or sometime early next week, Ontario’s auto insurance regulator, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, FSCO, will post the latest update on Ontario’s auto insurance rates and the extent to which insurance companies continue to charge more.

FSCO Releases Bring Great Relief to Accident Benefits Industry

On April 11, 2018, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released a revised Attendant Care Hourly Rate Guideline and a clarification as related to the Professional Services Fee Guideline. These releases bring great relief to the accident benefits industry at large.

Too Many Are Dying on Our Streets

Hundreds of concerned citizens recently staged a rally at Toronto City Hall to protest the number of cyclists and pedestrians being killed or maimed by cars across the City. Shockingly, 16 people have been killed by cars on our streets since Jan. 1. 2018. The year is only 3 months old and the cycling season has not even truly started – a grim beginning.