Author Archives: Admin4

Minnesota Car Insurance limits inadequate in Canadian context – Hartley v. Security National

Mr. Hartley was in a car accident while riding his motorcycle in Minnesota. He was hit by truck owned, operated and insured by the State of Minnesota. Mr. Hartley sued the State for damages was bus limited by their $500,000 cap.

Millions of Women Suffer From a Disease That Virtually Sucks the Life Out of Them — But Doctors Still Don’t Take It Seriously

Jen Brea was a 28-year-old grad student at Harvard when her health began to deteriorate after a 104 degree fever. She spent a year searching for an explanation for her recurrent infections, profound dizziness, and disturbing neurological symptoms, only to be dismissed by doctor after doctor. She was just stressed. She was dehydrated. There was nothing wrong. A neurologist told her she had conversion disorder, a psychiatric diagnosis that used to go by another name: hysteria. He suggested that her symptoms were the product of her “unconscious mind,” caused by a repressed trauma she couldn’t remember.

Gait Recovery following Traumatic Brain Injury using a Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation

We are looking for volunteers who have sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury are needed for a research study on walking to musical rhythms.

This study is conducted by Dr. Kara Patterson and her research team.

We are recruiting participants who have sustained their first traumatic brain injury within the past year for a study looking at the relationship between rhythm and relearning walking skills following injury.

Basic income cheques going to 400 households as project gets off to slow start

Ontario will mail cheques to 400 people this month as it begins its basic income pilot project, two ministers announced in Hamilton Wednesday.

Hamilton and Brantford are among the locations where the province is experimenting with the idea of giving people an amount of money each month without the strings attached that typically accompanies government assistance cheques.

Submissions to Fair Benefits Fairly Delivered: A Review of the Auto Insurance System in Ontario

OTLA Response to Marshall Report (1),-2017.pdf.aspx

The report:

List of recommendations:

Road to recovery: life after a professional misconduct complaint

This is part one of a four-part series on navigating complaints to the Law Society of Upper Canada. In this installment, personal injury lawyer Darryl Singer discusses his work representing lawyers at the Law Society Tribunal, and what inspired his interest in the area.

New law would provide justice to vulnerable road users killed by drivers

A new provincial private member’s bill would result in more appropriate punishments for drivers who kill or injure pedestrians and cyclists, says Toronto critical injury lawyer and safety advocate Patrick Brown.

Brown, partner with McLeish Orlando LLP, was recently at Queen’s Park for the introduction of Bill 158, the Protecting Vulnerable Road Users Act by NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo.

The Impact of Technology on Personal Injury Law

Technological innovations are changing the way we live our lives. Not only is technology impacting our daily tasks and routines, but it is changing the way most professions and industries conduct business. The legal field is no different. In recent years, lawyers, insurance companies and courts have leveraged the benefits of technology to do their jobs more effectively.

Excluding drivers from pool would end civil juries

An attempt to bar insurance-paying drivers from civil juries would kill the system as we know it, says Toronto personal injury lawyer Jessica B. Mahabir.

In an ongoing personal injury case, the plaintiff has brought a motion to exclude drivers who pay premiums from the jury pool altogether, reasoning that the possibility a large damages award could cause a hike in their own rates leaves them in an inherent conflict of interest.–mahabir-excluding-drivers-from-pool-would-end-civil-juries.html

Applicant fails to make case for NEB eligibility – RS v Aviva – LAT 16-003141

RS was injured in a car accident on December 13, 2014. He applied for and was paid a non-earner benefit under the SABs. RS appealed Aviva’s stoppage of his non-earner benefit effective May 27, 2016 to the LAT.