Author Archives: Admin4

Premiums and what drivers should know about the auto accident benefits they pay for and likely won’t get

An article in the Downsview Advocate  by reporter Tom Rakocevic on September 18, 2017 states that auto insurance rates in Downsview are the highest in Ontario. Brampton also argues that it has the highest rates. Either way, all auto insurance rates in Ontario are far higher than elsewhere in Canada. Auto insurance profits also equate an average of 11-12%  Return on Equity after taxes and, contrary to what auto insurers state in their million dollar ad campaigns that they are losing money because fraud is so high, a closer look shows that this is far from the truth.

Ontario introducing $50,000 fines for careless drivers causing death

Ontario is ready to impose $50,000 fines on drivers who kill through carelessness, in some of the toughest legislation in the country aimed at protecting pedestrians and cyclists, The Globe and Mail has learned.

The provincial government is expected to unveil on Wednesday a suite of new safety measures, as it seeks to address complaints by activists that deadly drivers are insufficiently punished.

Insured Falls into MIG

Mrs. Edelina Sampang-Gomez, was injured in a car accident on September 22, 2012  and sought accident benefits from Personal. When the parties were unable to resolve their disputes through mediation Mrs. Sampang-Gomez applied for arbitration at the FSCOd.

CAT designation refused but OCF costs approved

Mr. Ronald Hamilton was injured in a car accident on July 15, 2011. He applied for and received statutory accident benefits from Dominion and Mr. Hamilton applied for arbitration at the FSCO.

OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance reports on record numbers

Canada’s OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI) held its annual general meeting and released its annual report for 2016/17, reporting on a year of record numbers and renewed priorities.

Update on Injured Ontario Workers and Bill 148

Injured workers who currently receive benefits under the provincial Workplace Safety and Insurance (WSI) program should be aware of proposed changes to Ontario employment and labour law, including changes that are feared by injured workers’ advocacy groups to impact the level of WSI benefit entitlement.

Government fails to bring auto insurance prices down

Insurance rates in Downsview are the highest in all of Ontario. The government has allowed insurance companies to charge more depending on the location of the driver which has hurt communities like ours. In general Ontario has the highest insurance rates within Canada, giving our area one of the highest in all of Canada.
The Ontario Liberals promised to keep insurance rates under control, time and time again, but have failed this promise. They have significantly missed their goal of cutting rates by 15 per cent by August 2015 and continue to get further and further away from that goal. After Premier Kathleen Wynne was unable to meet her promise she referred to the 15 per cent goal as a “stretch goal”, we cannot trust this government to follow through with their promises.

Should referral fees be regulated or prohibited?

In 2002, the Law Society of Upper Canada amended its Rules of Professional Conduct to allow lawyers to pay referral fees to other lawyers. The rationale was that referral fees would encourage lawyers to refer work to lawyers better able to serve a client’s interests, reducing the likelihood that the lawyer would accept a retainer to act on a matter that may be beyond his or her ability. Ultimately, it would be a “win-win-win”: the referring lawyer would receive a payment, the referee lawyer would obtain a new client, and the client would be served by a lawyer well-qualified to act.

Lack of costs at LAT hampering some claimants

The lack of costs awards at the Licence Appeals Tribunal (LAT) may scare some injured individuals from fully pursuing deserving claims, says Toronto critical injury lawyer John McLeish.

McLeish, a partner with McLeish Orlando LLP, tells that his firm recently commissioned an expert opinion for a client whose insurer had terminated his income replacement benefits.

The Cost of Car Accident Recovery

In Ontario, all car owners are required to purchase car insurance by law. The SABs, or Statutory Accident Benefits package, outline in detail the benefits available to victims of a car accident, the process for accessing the medical and rehabilitation benefits, the timelines to be followed, and the limitations of the obligations of insurers to those who are injured. The SABs is often used against injured people to deny or limit benefits.