Author Archives: Admin2

Parents don’t notice young children’s PTSD — but may need support themselves

The research team followed more than 100 children aged between two and 10 who had been involved in a road accident – such as being involved in a car crash, being hit as a pedestrian, or knocked off their bike. All had been taken to A&E with varying injuries – including bruising, fracture or losing consciousness. /parents-dont-notice-young-chi ldrens-ptsd-may-need-support- 45870

Headaches After Traumatic Brain Injury

Headache is one of the most common symptoms after traumatic brain injury (often called post-traumatic headache). Over 30% of people report having headaches which continue long after injury.

Smart-Technology set to change the insurance industry

The way your insurance premiums are calculated could be in for a massive overhaul that relies on big brother technology. hnology-set-change-insurance- industry/

Insurance company pays injured girl after Go Public steps in, customers threaten to leave

One of Canada’s largest insurance companies has done an about face and offered payment to the mother of a girl who lost eyesight after a serious soccer accident.

Nancy Desrosiers was featured in a CBC Go Public story yesterday, after Industrial Alliance insurance refused to honour an accident insurance policy that would have awarded a $50,000 payout. british-columbia/injured-socce r-girl-gets-insurance-payout- 1.3842023?cmp=rss

Ontario Court Fees Changes In Effect November 6, 2016

The Ministry of Attorney General has announced changes to court fees effective November 6, 2016, thanks to a number of regulations which have been amended under the Administration of Justice Act. The changes apply to cases in the Superior Court of Justice and the Small Claims Court. Matters affected include civil litigation, estates, construction liens, sheriff’s fees, and repair and storage liens. Most fees have been increased across the board, including issuing and filing claims and defences, filing motions, and trial records. tario-court-fees-changes-in-ef fect-november-6-2016/ content/uploads/2016/11/ 20161107100244166.pdf

Tribunal suffering from growing pains, say lawyers content/uploads/2016/11/RAM- 10-17-Law-Times-Quote.pdf? x20563

Insurers must provide a Reason if they request an Examination Under Oath

In Aviva Insurance Company of Canada v. Frank McKeown (2016), Aviva brought an application to determine whether an insurer is obligated to state their reason for an examination under oath (EUO) in order to compel a person claiming statutory accident benefits (SABS) to attend an EUO, if requested by their insurer, pursuant to subsection 33 (2) of the SABS. Aviva was seeking a legal order to compel the named respondents to attend their respective EUOs.

http://www.personalinjurylawye must-provide-a-reason-if-they- request-an-examination-under- oath

Medical Therapists Getting Paid at the End or working on the basis of a Protected Account (Ontario)

The road to recovery can be a long one following a serious accident. You’ll need all the help you can get; and sometimes the help provided through the publicly funded OHIP system just isn’t enough.

Treatment like physiotherapy, occupational therapy, massage, psychological counselling, speech language pathology and chiropractic treatment in the majority of cases aren’t covered by the OHIP system.

http://www.torontoinjurylawyer therapists-getting-paid-end- working-basis-protected- account-ontario.html

Publicly-Funded Physiotherapy: Clinic Locations

The government is investing in physiotherapy, giving 90,000 more seniors and eligible patients access to publicly funded clinic-based services in more communities across the province. /public/programs/physio/pub_cl inics.aspx

New concussion blood test claims 90 per cent accuracy

Medical researchers in London, Ont. say they’ve discovered a new blood test that has a 90 per cent accuracy rate to correctly identify whether someone has had a concussion. kitchener-waterloo/concussion- blood-test-london-lawson-resea rch-1.3841534