Author Archives: Admin2

Fibromyaligia, Depression & Chronic Pain in a personal injury case (Ontario)

Many of our clients suffer from fibromyalgia, depression and chronic pain. These injuries arise and present themselves in a wide variety of ways. Each case is fact specific. We never know how these injuries will present themselves or manifest.

Our lawyers see fibromyaligia, depression and chronic pain in the context of car accidents, long term disability (LTD) claims, motorcycle accidents, slip and fall cases and assault claims.

http://www.torontoinjurylawyer fibromyaligia-depression- chronic-pain-personal-injury- case-ontario.html

Scrutiny of opioid prescriptions bad news for patients in pain, doctor warns

Dr. Ellen Thompson says a rising number of misconduct investigations by the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario into doctors who may be over-prescribing opioid medications such as morphine, oxycodone and fentanyl will discourage doctors from prescribing the painkillers even in cases where they are beneficial. line/scrutiny-of-opioid-prescr iptions-bad-news-for-patients- in-pain-doctor-warns

If only medical system treated humans as well as dogs

TORONTO – On Halloween Monday my eldest dachsie, 11-year-old Kishka, went under the expert knife of Dr. Wilma DeGraaf at Secord Animal Hospital.

Four hours under anesthetic and 11 teeth fewer later, Kishka was released with two pages of instructions on how to tend to him, two different painkillers (one the doggy version of Percocet) and — drum roll here — antibiotics. /11/03/if-only-medical-system- treated-humans-as-well-as-dogs

Provincial adviser proposes basic income of least $1,320

In a discussion paper released Thursday, Ontario’s special adviser on basic income suggests topping up incomes of the working poor and replacing the province’s meagre and rule-bound social assistance program with a monthly payment of at least $1,320 for a single person, or about 75 per cent of the poverty line. anada/2016/11/03/proposed-basi c-income-pilot-would-provide- monthly-payments-of-least- 1320.html

New Ontario auto dispute resolution system could cause ‘a lot more claims against insurance brokers,’ personal injury lawyer predicts

Recent reforms to Ontario auto insurance, including the transfer of accident benefits dispute arbitration to the licence appeal tribunal (LAT), has some personal injury lawyers warning of lawsuits against brokers who fail to advise clients accordingly.

‘Lots of room for improvement’ with new Ontario auto dispute resolution system: Judge Cunningham

Ontario’s license appeal tribunal – which this year started hearing auto accident benefits disputes – presents “an opportunity” for auto insurers to “redefine how they provide their services,” an insurance company lawyer said Wednesday, while the retired judge who recommended changing the dispute resolution system told the audience of a panel discussion there is “lots of room for improvement” at LAT.

http://www.canadianunderwriter .ca/insurance/lots-room-improv ement-new-ontario-auto-dispute -resolution-system-judge- cunningham-1004102925/

Injured workers confront WSIB

A chance to hear directly from the President of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Tom Teahan. ottawa/programs/ontariotoday/i njured-workers-confront-wsib-1 .3832957

Injured worker ‘broken down’ by 10-year battle with WSIB

An injured salt mine worker in Ontario says he has contemplated suicide after a decade-long fight for compensation, a fight that he now may have to wait at least another year before it is resolved. ottawa/wsib-appeal-tribunal-wa it-1.3833770

Shop Insurance Canada Says Ontario Auto Insurance Price Hike is a Step Backwards

( November 3, 2016 – The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released its third quarter auto insurance rate approvals and the recommendations in October, and it was shocking for many. The body recommends auto insurance rates should be increased. Shop Insurance Canada says this is a blow to the provinces quest to lower premium rates and will mean increased insurance costs for consumers. pr/3129664

Medical concensus reports would make litigation more efficient: Ford

Toronto orthopedic spine and trauma surgeon Dr. Michael Ford says personal injury litigation would be less costly and time-consuming in Ontario if there was a move — as there has been in other countries — toward getting experts from both sides to come to a consensus about the key medical issues. ichael-ford-medical-concensus- reports-would-make-litigation- more-efficient-ford.html