Author Archives: Admin2

November 28, 2019

Resolving a problem with your lawyer or paralegal

LSO Rules of Professional Conduct Chapter 3 Relationship to Clients

When can my lawyer dump me as a client


SABS Priority Disputes 101: Help!

It’s a Friday afternoon before a long weekend, of course, and you’ve just received a potential SABS priority dispute. A new Application for Accident Benefits arrives on your desk and the claimant alleges that she was in your insured’s vehicle at the time of the accident. Not surprisingly, you have no record of her under your insured’s policy. 

SABS Priority Disputes 101: Reflection on Deflection

In our first article in the Priority Dispute Series, I provided an overview of Ontario’s accident benefit priority dispute scheme and the process necessary to pursue and dispute priority. 

LAT throws out claim after occupational therapist disparages the insurer

Ontario’s Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) has ruled in favour of The Co-operators after completely dismissing an occupational therapist’s report that disparaged the insurer and provided opinions outside the scope of medical practice. 
B.S. vs. The Co-operators General Insurance Company, 2019 CanLII 110078 (ON LAT), <

Aviva reveals shock statistics on car accidents in Canada

Aviva Canada’s new survey has revealed that half of Canadian drivers have no idea what to do immediately following an accident. 

Lack of Knowledge About Auto Insurance Continues to Hurt Ontario DriversA annual survey on Ontario Auto Insurance reveals that Ontario drivers are becoming slightly more aware of optional coverage, but drivers continue to be insufficiently protected particularly when it comes to medical benefits and income replacement benefits.

Good-faith obligations survive bankruptcy of insured
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently confirmed in Re McEwen (2019 ONSC 5593) that an insurer’s duty of good faith is not extinguished on the bankruptcy of the insured. 
Doctor facing criminal charges, professional discipline
An Ottawa doctor who specializes in pain treatment is scheduled to go to trial next year to face charges that include assault and uttering death threats, charges he denies. 

Ontario (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) v. Bélanger, 2018 ONCPSD 18 (CanLII), <


Major shakeup in regulation of health professionals proposed in B.C. to improve patient safety

Patients in British Columbia could soon know about every single action taken by professional colleges in response to complaints about health-care workers, rather than just a select few. 

November 26, 2019

How does mediation work in personal injury cases?

Mediation is mandatory in any civil case commenced in Toronto, Ottawa or Windsor. There are mandatory mediation requirements under the Rules of Civil Procedure.

Ontario’s judicial integrity at risk with Doug Ford, Doug Downey scheme

Every politician dreams of leaving a lasting legacy. Ontario Attorney-General Ian Scott is one of the few to actually do so in an era where the role of the attorney general actually meant something more than being the premier’s lackey.

Ontario’s judicial appointments must maintain political independence, says former AG Bryant

“Judicial appointments are not supposed to be democratic. They’re supposed to be independent of the other branches of the state,” says Bryant, now executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. “The system is made up of more than just a political branch. The whole point of having a judiciary is to hold [the premier] in check in the event that he does something that is tyrannical or oppressive.” 

Limitation Periods in LTD Cases: As Clear As Mud?

Earlier this year, the Divisional Court released its unanimous decision in Western Life Assurance Company v. Penttila, which determined that the limitation period in LTD cases does not start to run until the date upon which it is “legally appropriate to commence legal proceedings to seek payment of benefits that the insurer refused to pay”.

Fatal crashes will rise by 21 per cent if province proceeds with highway speed limit increase: experts

Fatal car crashes would likely rise by around 20 per cent on 400-series highways if the provincial government moved forward with its plan to raise speed limits from 100 kilometres per hour to 110 kilometres per hour.

Lorraine Explains: Flying wheels are negligence, not accidents

Will we ever get serious about the impact of vehicle owner negligence? A long weekend drive home from the cottage last May – a trip so many of us make, so many times – had tragic results for an Ontario man and his wife.


Disabled man waits months for insurance company to replace scooter

It took six months, several calls and emails from a lawyer, and a CBC inquiry for an insurance company to finally respond to a claim from a disabled Nova Scotia man to replace his scooter, his only means of independence and transportation.

B.C. Attorney General won’t appeal court’s ruling on expert cap in motor vehicle accident cases

The B.C. government will not appeal a decision by the province’s Supreme Court which struck down changes to the rules of court which placed a limit on adversarial, expert witnesses in motor vehicle accident cases.

Windy, humid weather can make chronic pain feel worse, study finds

It may not just be in your head — chronic pain could feel worse on windy, humid days, research suggests.

Published in October, researchers at the University of Manchester in the U.K., along with funding from Versus Arthritis, found people with long-term health conditions were 20 per cent more likely to feel pain on humid and windy days.


‘Now I have a lovely Scottish brogue’ — The science behind foreign accent syndrome

Sharon Campbell-Rayment had a fall from a horse that knocked her out cold. Her recovery from that injury was complete with one small exception. For the past decade, ever since her accident, she’s spoken with a Scottish accent.

November 21, 2019

How many of Ontario’s injured car crash survivors have to take their insurer to a tribunal hearing (LAT) to get access to recovery benefits? 

Lots. Too many. Which companies have more than their market share of claims in the LAT AABS system? All part of these Stats. The summary tells us that average # of days between application and decision has reached an epic 381 days – far more than promised with a new and streamlined hearings system! Note there are 2 pages – see the bottom of the excel sheet. How does your insurer stack up with cases at the LAT?

LAT AABS Applications (March 2019)


Ontario government revamps simplified procedure to reduce delays for 2020

The Government of Ontario says it will double the monetary threshold in 2020 for civil claims that can use the simplified procedure process, one of several updates aimed at lowering legal costs and reducing delays.

Police chief proposes new Vision Zero enforcement team amid spike in collisions

Amid growing public pressure to crack down on dangerous drivers, Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders is pushing for the creation of a dedicated traffic enforcement team.

Surveillance and social media in personal injury cases

Although the Ontario Court of Appeal found that surveillance evidence excluded at a personal injury trial was not so significant as to make a difference as to damages, it was a “hollow verdict” for the defence in the case with some lessons about social media as evidence.

Self-regulation: the end of an era? Lawyer discipline and the role of law societies

Anne Rempel has not had a positive experience with self-regulation. She has made two complaints to a Canadian law society, but the process left her feeling the concerns were not entirely addressed by the “black box” system of lawyer discipline. 

Ontario Court of Appeal clarifies test under “anti-SLAPP” legislation

On August 30, 2018, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its long-awaited decisions in a series of appeals[1] addressing the limits of the province’s “anti-SLAPP” legislation. This was the first appellate interpretation of s. 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act (CJA), which provides a preliminary, pretrial procedure for a defendant to seek dismissal of a claim where the litigation arises out of a defendant’s expression on a matter of public interest.

‘That’s a joke’: Ontario man reacts as driver faces $2,000 fine in near-fatal collision

Benjamin Schenk’s life was changed forever in May as he drove along Highway 400 south of Barrie.He and his wife Bella De Bartolo were on their way to a family cottage for the Victoria Day long weekend when a tire flew off a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction and crashed into their car.

Crash Not Accident: Better Road-Safety Reporting Could Save Lives, Show Researchers

Planes do not slam into the ground accidentally, they crash. However, such language is not always used for road smashes: they are often described as “accidents,” as though no one was at fault. Campaign groups have been lobbying for neutral road-incident vocabulary for many years—“crash, not accident” is a common mantra—and now new research has demonstrated that thanks to the leading language used in media reporting, blame for road smashes is often placed on victims.

Fact Sheet: Social Assistance Update

It has been almost a year since the Ontario government announced a number of proposed changes to our social assistance programs on Nov. 22, 2018. Many of these changes have been cancelled or postponed as a result of community resistance. This fact sheet explains where we are today.

Ontario Launches Free Routine Dental Care for Low-Income Seniors

TORONTO — As part of its comprehensive plan to end hallway health care, Ontario is investing in programs that keep seniors healthy in their communities longer.

BC attorney general considers legislation to protect ICBC profits from government

British Columbia attorney general David Eby is considering another plan to help keep the troubled Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) afloat – this time, with legislation that would keep the provincial government’s hands off the insurer.

‘I thought it was BS’: Alberta drivers facing higher insurance costs

Some Alberta drivers are facing increases in car insurance premiums next year, following the provincial government’s decision to lift a five per cent cap on rates.

November 19, 2019

FAIR Submission to: Draft 2020-21 FSRA Priorities and Budget ID 2019-007

The message received by the public is that the FSRA is so fully stacked with insurers that there will be a singular message coming only from insurers and only in their interests to the Regulator. This does not ‘empower’ consumers who have effectively been silenced by an utter lack of inclusion.


Insurers’ medical examiner gets his day at Supreme Court of Canada

The Supreme Court of Canada is considering whether or not to send an insurance medical examiner’s libel case to trial, based on comments made by a personal injury lawyer about the examiner’s work in a closed forum that got leaked to the general public.

Class action proceeds against pain clinic

The Ontario Superior Court reaffirmed that infectious outbreaks are well suited to class actions, as well as the use of subclasses, when it approved a certification amendment and de-certification motion in a medical infectious outbreak case.
Background info at the bottom of this post:

Self-regulation: the end of an era? Lawyer discipline and the role of law societies

Anne Rempel has not had a positive experience with self-regulation. She has made two complaints to a Canadian law society, but the process left her feeling the concerns were not entirely addressed by the “black box” system of lawyer discipline. 

Rastin cautiously optimistic about simplified procedure changes

A series of amendments to Rule 76, which governs actions proceeding under the simplified procedure, will take effect Jan. 1, 2020, including the doubling of the monetary jurisdiction for simplified actions from $100,000 to $200,000, the imposition of a hard five-day cap on trial length, and the elimination of juries, he says.

Distracted driving

First it was seat belts, then it was impaired driving, now, distracted driving. There are many forms of distracted driving that can arise in motor vehicle accident litigation. During the examination for discovery process there will be questions posed by lawyers on both sides about whose fault the accident was. Experienced trial lawyers, such as members of OTLA, have particular and special experience in determining this question known as ‘liability’.


New Data on Disability in Canada, 2017


Ontario Government Changes To Disability Payments Should Be Reconsidered: Advocates

TORONTO — Advocates are calling on the Ontario government to reconsider its plan to narrow eligibility requirements for provincial disability payments and potentially cut hundreds of millions of dollars from the social services ministry in future years. 


Welfare in Canada

Households that qualify for basic social assistance payments also qualify for other financial support

Online Concussion Support Group

The Online Concussion Support Group welcomes you to a safe place where you can share your frustrations and struggles and connect with others who have had similar experiences.


Assessor’s medical opinion evidence, libel, and public interest case

Webcast of the Supreme Court of Canada Hearing on 2019-11-12 38374 Maia Bent, et al. v. Howard Platnick, et al.–38374-38376&date=2019-11-12

For portion to do withBent/Platnick scroll to 1:39:09

More detail re SCC leave to appeal: Maia Bent, et al. v. Howard Platnick, et al. (Ontario) (Civil) (By Leave) 38374


Maia Bent, et al. v. Howard Platnick, et al., 2019 CanLII 35199 (SCC)

Platnick v. Bent, 2018 ONCA 851 (CanLII)

Platnick v. Bent, 2018 ONCA 687 (CanLII)

Platnick v Bent, 2017 ONSC 585 (CanLII)

Platnick v. Bent – Endorsement (1) ONSC 7340 20161201

Platnick v. Bent – Endorsement Re Preliminary Motion (2) ONSC 7474 20161201

Statement of Claim – FILED – 3334-15 – September 3

The original media story:

The latest stories in the media:

Letter to MPPs regarding medical file manipulations Dec 23 2014

more info see:  and 

Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers v. Verlaan-Cole, 2019 ONSC 6648 (CanLII)

Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers v. Verlaan-Cole, 2019 ONSC 6648 (CanLII), < 

[26]       Further, Rule 3.7-2 of the Rules of Professional Conduct states, “Subject to the rules about criminal proceedings and the direction of the tribunal, where there has been a serious loss of confidence between the lawyer and the client, the lawyer may withdraw.” Commentary [1] of Rule 3.7-2 states:

A lawyer may have a justifiable cause for withdrawal in circumstances indicating a loss of confidence, for example, if a lawyer is deceived by their client, the client refuses to accept and act upon the lawyer’s advice on a significant point, a client is persistently unreasonable or uncooperative in a material respect, there is a material breakdown in communications, or the lawyer is facing difficulty in obtaining adequate instructions from the client. However, the lawyer should not use the threat of withdrawal as a device to force a hasty decision by the client on a difficult question.

[27]       I have reviewed the record provided by both parties. There is ample evidence that the Client was critical of the Gluckstein firm and did not believe they were adequately representing her. It is clear that she had lost confidence in their ability to represent her to the standards that she demanded. She did not agree with their advice and would not accept the perceived deficiencies with her case. Accordingly, I find that Gluckstein had good cause to terminate the CFA.

[45]       The Client has not yet been awarded any damages or entered into a settlement agreement. Therefore, it is premature for Gluckstein to advance a claim for its fees, in violation of its own CFA and of s. 7 of the Contingency Fee AgreementsAccordingly, I find that Gluckstein is not entitled to seek its fees at the forthcoming assessment, as the issue is premature.

[46]       Given my reasons, the assessment may proceed with respect of the disbursements, but is premature with respect to the fees to be charged. At this juncture, there has been no determination of what damages the Client will receive. Once that is determined, then the assessment of fees can proceed on the understanding that s. 7 of the Contingency Fee Agreements must be adhered to.

LAT AABS stats – which insurers are using the hearings system the most?

How many of Ontario’s injured car crash survivors have to take their insurer to a tribunal hearing (LAT) to get access to recovery benefits? 

Lots. Too many. Which companies have more than their market share of claims in the LAT AABS system? All part of these Stats. The summary tells us that average # of days between application and decision has reached an epic 381 days – far more than promised with a new and streamlined hearings system! Note there are 2 pages – see the bottom of the excel sheet. How does your insurer stack up with cases at the LAT?

LAT AABS Applications (March 2019) 

IBC TOP 20 PRIVATE P&C INSURERS by direct written premiums, 2018

For more info on market share see:

November 14, 2019

Webcast of the Supreme Court of Canada Hearing on 2019-11-12 38374 Maia Bent, et al. v. Howard Platnick, et al.

For portion to do with Bent/Platnick scroll to 1:39:09
FAIR is mentioned as an advocacy group in the closing comments at 3:47:06.
A long list of intervenors because it’s about more than quality of IMEs or medical report manipulations. When SCC decides on this Ontario anti-slapp case it will affect all Canadians and their ability to speak out Truth to Power in the public interest.

Reminder: Draft Priorities and Budget (see pages 17-25 on auto insurance) 

Comments due by November 18, 2019 

The Rules, They Are A Changin…

January 1, 2020 will usher in a new era in Ontario litigation practice.   On October 23, 2019, the Ontario Government amended the Rules of Civil Procedure so that cases involving damages of $200,000 or less must be brought under Rule 76, which mandates and provides for a Simplified Procedure.  These changes will be effective January 1, 2020 

Ontario Making It Easier, Faster for People to Resolve Claims

Ontario is making it easier for families, businesses and individuals to resolve their legal issues quickly and affordably by expanding access to the Simplified Procedure process in civil court. 

Optional Accident Benefits Confirmation Form

This week a friend of mine emailed me this document. The document is titled “Optional Accident Benefits Confirmation Form”. It was sent to my friend by her insurance company. She told me that she did not understand half of what it meant. 

Two-year window to dispute auto claim denial not a ‘hard limitation,’ court rules

In Tomec v. Economical Mutual Insurance Company, released Nov. 8, the Court of Appeal for Ontario overturned a 2018 Divisional Court Ruling in favour of Economical, due in large part to a 2019 Supreme Court of Canada ruling over a price-fixing lawsuit. 

Auto insurance premiums going up in 2020 for many Alberta drivers

In a bulletin sent to brokers, and obtained by Global News, large home and auto insurer Aviva Canada said there would be across-the-board hikes of 15 per cent starting January 2020. It also confirmed to Global News that number could go up depending on driving and claims history. 

BC lawyers push back against ‘plans’ for full no-fault auto insurance

Trial lawyers are concerned that British Columbia Attorney General David Eby could be working toward implementing complete no-fault auto insurance in the province – despite his comments suggesting otherwise. 

How Stress Can Shrink Your Brain and 6 Ways to Keep It from Happening

“Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” goes the phrase. And somehow, we all actually believe it.

We humblebrag that we’re stressed about work, our families, our finances, and how hard and time-consuming it is to plow through everything on our vast and daily to-do lists.

November 12, 2019

Discoverability a Rule of Construction for Limitations 

Limitations in personal injury litigation can be contentious, especially since the nature of the damages suffered by a plaintiff may not necessarily be known at the initial time of loss. This is especially true in claims that include chronic pain, as these types of medical conditions are not diagnosed until several weeks after an injury. 

V1201 – The Court of Appeal’s Review of Limitations and Discoverability for Accident Benefits Claims

In March of 2018, we reflected on the troubling decision of S.T. and Economical Mutual Insurance Company (LAT 16-003034/AABS). This case involved terminations of attendant care benefit and housekeeping and home maintenance benefit. The terminations had been issued at the 104-week anniversary of the accident date and were based on the fact that there was no ongoing coverage in the absence of a confirmed catastrophic impairment. Economical issued written notice describing how to dispute the terminations and warning of the two-year limitation for pursuing such disputes. 

Intact’s take on the impact of no-fault auto insurance

No-fault insurance is not a silver bullet that is going to solve the auto liability problem, but it can be helpful to insurers, provided that the coverage is not too generous, suggests the head of Canada’s largest property and casualty insurer. 

Thoughts About Self-Regulation in the Public Interest 

It is no secret that that self-regulation can be compromised by the tension between the public interest and the interest of the regulated profession[i]. This tension leads some to say that self-regulation is inherently flawed and should come to an end. 

Rastin Review of Greig v. Desjardins, 2019, BCSC 1758: An assessment of damages for breach of good faith by disability insurance company

In a recent case decided at the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Greig v. Desjardins, 2019, BCSC 1758, the court decided whether disability insurance companies should be held accountable when they take unreasonable positions that are contrary to their obligations of good faith, and result in financial and emotional disaster for plaintiffs. 

Toronto lawyer pushing province to bring in ‘Textalyzers’ to catch texting drivers

A Toronto lawyer and prominent road safety advocate is pushing Ontario to implement a controversial technology that would allow police to test cellphones at the side of the road to see if drivers are using them behind the wheel. 

Researchers develop cars that can tell if you are texting behind the wheel (or below it)

AI is a hot topic globally. The future of AI and the future of humanity are closely tied. New facial recognition software can identify you, accurately guess your age and describe what you are wearing. It can even give your walk pattern a ‘signature’. Deep learning and AI are moving at leaps and bounds. It should come then as no surprise that a University of Waterloo research team has developed new software that can detect when people are texting and driving. 

What May Qualify as a Catastrophic Injury?

While many Ontario accidents only result in minor injuries, some can result in serious injuries that affect the rest of a victim’s life. Catastrophic injuries can cause significant physical, emotional and financial suffering. To further complicate matters, recent changes in Ontario law have made it more difficult for catastrophic injury victims to obtain compensation. 

Kingston man waits years for surgery to relieve painful condition

Bill Bagyan has been catheterized more than a dozen times since 2014 to relieve the pain from urethral stricture disease, which involves scarring in or around the urethra. Since being diagnosed, he’s had multiple surgeries scheduled to fix the problem — but each time, they’ve been cancelled. (Jean Delisle/CBC) 
Not the words we’d expect to describe an Ontario court.
Tomec v. Economical Mutual Insurance Company, 2019 ONCA 882 DATE: 20191108 DOCKET: C66763  
Absurd Result 
[46] Statutes are to be interpreted in a manner that does not lead to absurd results. An interpretation is absurd if it “leads to ridiculous or frivolous consequences, if it is extremely unreasonable or inequitable, if it is illogical or incoherent, or if it is incompatible with other provisions or with the object of the Page: 16 legislative enactment”: Rizzo & Rizzo Shoes Ltd. (Re), [1998] 1 S.C.R. 27, 36 O.R. (3d) 418, at para. 27. 
[47] Here, the decisions below thrust the appellant into a Kafkaesque regulatory regime. A hard limitation period would bar the appellant from claiming enhanced benefits, before she was even eligible for those benefits. However, if the appellant had not claimed any benefits until she obtained CAT status in 2015, she would not be caught by the limitation period: Machaj v. RBC General Insurance Company, 2016 ONCA 257, at para. 6. Alternatively, if the appellant had coincidentally obtained CAT status before 2012, the hard limitation period would not bar her claim for enhanced benefits. 
[48] This outcome is absurd. There is no principled reason for barring the appellant’s claim for enhanced benefits in the first scenario but allowing the claim in the second and third scenario. To do so would effectively penalize the appellant for accessing benefits she is statutorily entitled to, or for developing CAT status too late. 
[49] The impossible position a hard limitation places the appellant is best illustrated by having regard to Economical’s counsel’s oral submissions. Counsel denied that the appellant was put in a lose-lose situation. She argued that the appellant could have applied to the LAT before the expiry of the limitation period for a declaration that, in the future, she would be entitled to extended benefits if she were subsequently found to be CAT. Page: 17 
[50] I start by noting that courts must be cognizant of the significant disparity in resources between large insurance companies and their insureds, who do not have unlimited resources to bring multiple proceedings, including prophylactic claims based on a future contingency: see MacDonald v. Chicago Title Insurance Company of Canada, 2015 ONCA 842, 127 O.R. (3d) 663, at para. 88, leave to appeal refused, [2016] S.C.C.A. No. 39. 
[51] In any event, if such a proceeding were commenced for a declaration, it is difficult to imagine how it could succeed. At best, the appellant could only lead speculative evidence that she might be CAT at some unknown point in the future. Faced with that evidentiary record, the LAT would likely decline to make the requested declaration.  
[52] In my view, the hard limitation period puts the appellant in an impossible situation, where the time for claiming a benefit commences when she is ineligible to make such a claim. This is an absurd result. To choose it, as the LAT did, is unreasonable.   

Applicant vs. Portage La Prairie Mutual Insurance Company, 2019 CanLII 101649 (ON LAT),

Applicant vs. Portage La Prairie Mutual Insurance Company, 2019 CanLII 101649 (ON LAT),

[15]        Multiple neuropsychological assessments were performed by Dr. Schmidt. I do not find the reports of Dr. Schmidt to be compelling and grant them little weight. They are inconsistent with the medical records documenting the applicant’s injuries and impairments. Dr. Schmidt concluded that the applicant’s test scores were invalid, however the neuropsychologist who performed the catastrophic assessment on behalf of the respondent — Dr. Wiseman — reviewed Dr. Schmidt’s test data and determined that the scores were within valid ranges.

[16]        Dr. Schmidt initially saw the applicant in March 2017 for a neuropsychological assessment.[5] In his report dated April 13, 2017, Dr. Schmidt noted “there is a discussion of a sustained traumatic brain injury within his medical record, but this seemed to absolve shortly after his accident… He was also able to complete his education post-MVA”. These findings are contrary to the hundreds of pages of medical records, including many items listed in the “Documents Reviewed” section of his report, which establish that the applicant did sustain a severe traumatic brain injury and continued to suffer from ongoing cognitive impairments as a result. Even the neurologist, Dr. Mendis, noted in his report “from a neurological perspective, he sustained a traumatic brain injury, which is well-documented in his medical record” [emphasis added.] Dr. Mendis also administered the MoCA, and the applicant scored 23/30. Further, Dr. Schmidt’s indication that the applicant was able to complete his education post-accident is incorrect — the applicant made multiple attempts to return to school post-accident but was unsuccessful.

[17]        Dr. Schmidt noted in his report that the applicant was having difficulty following instructions during his assessment, including going into a different testing room than the one he was being led to. He did not follow all the instructions during testing and was unable to complete one of the tests. Dr. Schmidt also noted that there were some auditory processing concerns given the applicant’s slow responses. He also demonstrated awkward pen grip and fatigue during testing. However, according to Dr. Schmidt, the validity testing was indicative of symptom exaggeration. Despite the observations noted above, based on the medical records, background history, behavioural observations and testing data, Dr. Schmidt concluded “I am more inclined to side on performance and symptom exaggeration which have affected the interpretation and quality of his testing, and thus complicating diagnostics and treatment recommendation which at this point are nil”. However, Dr. Schmidt requested to review the Ministry of Transportation records, indicating that his opinion may change.

[18]        An addendum report was completed by Dr. Schmidt, dated January 11, 2018.[6] Upon reviewing the additional documentation including the driving assessment and a progress report from the occupational therapist, Dr. Schmidt concluded that he was unable to gather valid and reliable information, and therefore recommended a further evaluation to properly formulate his opinion regarding a “complete inability to carry on a normal life”.

[19]        Accordingly, a new neuropsychological assessment took place in June 2018.[7] Dr. Schmidt again concluded in his June 26, 2018 report that he had “no objective data to support that [the applicant] currently suffers a complete inability to carry on a normal life as a result of the accident from a neuropsychological perspective”. Dr. Schmidt again found that the quality of the testing was impacted by the applicant’s “performance and symptom exaggeration”. Given the lack of reliable and valid testing data, Dr. Schmidt determined that he could not make any recommendations.

[20]        In the fall of 2018, the applicant underwent assessments on behalf of the respondent to determine if he had sustained a catastrophic impairment as a result of the accident.[8] Assessments were performed by an occupational therapist, Ms. Nicholson, and a neuropsychologist, Dr. Wiseman. The respondent’s assessors determined that the applicant was catastrophically impaired per criteria 4 – brain impairment. Dr. Wiseman concluded that the applicant’s level of brain-related cognitive impairment was compatible with Lower Moderate Disability (5) per the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (“GOS-E”) at one year or more post-accident.[9]


[70]        Section 10 of Ontario Regulation 664, R.R.O. 1990 states that, if the Tribunal finds that an insurer has unreasonably withheld or delayed payments, the Tribunal may award a lump sum of up to 50% of the amount to which the person was entitled at the time of the award with interest.

[71]        Just because I have found that the respondent was wrong in its denial of the non-earner benefit does not automatically entitle the applicant to an award. An insurer is not to be held to a standard of perfection, but rather, it should be held to a standard of reasonableness. The purpose of an award is to punish an insurer for misconduct and to deter it and others from future similar actions.[25]

[72]        The case law has established that an award should be granted only where there was unreasonable behaviour by an insurer in withholding or delaying payments, which can be seen as excessive, imprudent, stubborn, inflexible, unyielding or immoderate.

[73]        The respondent cited a Tribunal decision which determined that the threshold is not met when an insurer withholds payment based on its section 44 examinations.[26] The respondent relies on the conclusions of its section 44 examinations in denying the applicant’s entitlement to the disputed benefits. However, I find that “papering” a termination by obtaining a compliant report from an assessor is not necessarily protection against an award if an insurer closes its mind to other information available to it that may affect its decision.[27]

[74]        In this case, I find that the respondent acted unreasonably when it denied benefits to the applicant based on the conclusions of its section 44 assessors. The reports of Dr. Schmidt determined that there was some impairment, it was suspected to be exaggerated, and the data was found to be invalid. However, I find that the respondent ignored other medical information available to it in maintaining its denial, including the respondent’s own catastrophic assessment reports. I find that after receiving the report of Dr. Wiseman in which she concludes that Dr. Schmidt’s interpretation of the data was incorrect – the scores fell within a valid range – and given her conclusions about the applicant’s level of impairment, the respondent acted unreasonably in continuing to deny the applicant’s claim for non-earner benefits. The respondent has an ongoing obligation to consider new information as it becomes available and reconsider its prior determinations.

[75]        The respondent called no witnesses to testify at the hearing, but forced the applicant to proceed to a four day in-person hearing despite the conclusions of its own catastrophic assessors which challenged the conclusions of the assessors the respondent relied upon in refusing to pay the benefits. I find this conduct amounts to unreasonable behaviour by an insurer in withholding or delaying payments, which can be seen as excessive, imprudent, stubborn, inflexible, unyielding or immoderate.

[76]        The quantum of a special award should be proportionate to: (i) the blameworthiness of the respondent’s conduct; (ii) the vulnerability of the applicant; (iii) the harm or potential harm directed at the applicant; (iv) the need for deterrence; (v) the advantage wrongfully gained by the insurer from the misconduct; and (vi) should take into account any other penalties or sanctions that have been or likely will be imposed on the insurer due to its misconduct.[28] The Tribunal has added a seventh factor, being the overall length of the delay.[29]

[77]        I have considered the amount of benefits withheld from the applicant, and the length of time that payment has been withheld.  I have also taken into account the applicant’s vulnerability given his brain injury, and dependence on others. The respondent should have taken a second look at the evidence prior to the hearing, however, the catastrophic assessment reports were received only a few days prior to the hearing.  Considering these factors, I find that the appropriate quantum is 40% of the amount to which the applicant is entitled for the disputed benefits, plus interest in accordance with the Schedule. I leave the calculation of the exact amount of the award and interest to the parties – given that the parties agreed that the quantum of benefits is not to be determined by the Tribunal in this hearing. If there is disagreement in the calculation of this amount, either party may contact the Tribunal to schedule a case conference with me within 30 days of the release of this decision.


[78]        The applicant is entitled to weekly non-earner benefits from February 1, 2017 to date and ongoing. The benefits shall be paid forthwith, with interest in accordance with the Schedule.

[79]        The applicant is entitled to an award under Regulation 664 corresponding to 40% of the amount to which he is entitled to on the date of this decision, with interest in accordance with the Schedule.