Author Archives: Admin2

Letters: Motorcycle insurance and bikes on sidewalks

I read the article by freelance writer Alex Binneboese. It appears he did his research by quoting accident statistics and premium comparisons between different jurisdictions.

LTD Insurer claws back benefits on fibromyalgia case

Denise Garneau was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She began receiving LTD benefits in around 1996. In around 2002, she took a medical retirement from her government job and began receiving superannuation benefits from the government.

Fibromyalgia linked to higher crash rate: study

TORONTO – Drivers who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia appear to have an elevated risk of being involved in motor vehicle crashes, even years after their initial diagnosis, research suggests.

Ontario hit with hundreds of privacy-breach complaints

Ontario has been hit with more than 200 privacy complaints about the mishandling of personal information by the provincial government or its agencies over the past 18 months, according to the information and privacy commissioner.

The Social Security Tribunal rush to get rid of Appeals backlog


There is also the concern about what happens to justice when “fast” becomes a tribunal’s watchword.   The UK Court of Appeal has recently provided us with a timely word of caution.
In Re S-W [2015] EWCA Civ 27, Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division of the UK Court of Appeal, offered this warning about the dangers of speeded up litigation:  

[54] We are all familiar with the aphorism that ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. But justice can equally be denied if inappropriately accelerated. An unseemly rush to judgment can too easily lead to injustice. As Pauffley J warned in Re NL (A child) (Appeal: Interim Care Order: Facts and Reasons) [2014] EWHC 270 (Fam), [2014] 1 FLR 1384, para 40, “Justice must never be sacrificed upon the altar of speed.”

Heads Up! – Why Ontario’s Laws have Changed…

Ban doctors found guilty of assault from practicing: Editorial

If you’re a doctor in Ontario who has pleaded guilty in a criminal court to assaulting your patients, you won’t necessarily lose your licence. In fact, you could continue to practice for years before the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario holds disciplinary and penalty hearings into your case. And even then, you may not lose your right to practice.

Insurance could be the biggest roadblock for autonomous cars

Companies such as Google are promising commercially available autonomous vehicles by 2020, but insurance realities could slow that down considerably. After all, what happens when a robot car slams into a human-driven one—who’s responsible?

Annual Statistical Issue

Providing a yearly comprehensive review of insurance company results in a format that is easy to use. It outlines and details insurance companies’ financial performance, market breakdown, and individual company results using summary tables and indexes.

The Reality of a Publicly Traded Law Firm – How is a Car Crash Victim Served when her Lawyer is Focused on Share Price?

Critics of ABS have consistently maintained that the corporatization of law firms does not serve clients as well as a more traditional legal practice model. Indeed, lawyers are governed by professional standards and ethics which require counsel to avoid conflicts and act in the best interests of the client.