Author Archives: Admin2

Kitchener doctor’s caution for his conduct remains secret

KITCHENER — The chief of staff at both Kitchener hospitals was scheduled to get an official caution from regulators Thursday for his conduct related to a drug error linked to a Waterloo grandfather’s death, but the public won’t know what was said.

Toronto chiropractor charged with two counts of sexual assault

Toronto Police have charged a 66-year-old chiropractor with two counts of sexual assault in two separate investigations.

Why doesn’t the insurance company believe that I’m injured? (Ontario)

If insurers paid out maximum compensation on each and every claim, there wouldn’t be any need for personal injury lawyers or paralegals who focus on benefit accident claims.

Will dirty Peel cop go to jail?

Const. Carlton Watson, 50, a 23-year veteran of the force, is still a Peel cop, suspended with pay more than four months after a judge ruled he was paid in cash by two men, including a tow truck driver and manager, to provide accident reports that passed off staged or bogus car crashes as legitimate ones as part of a scam that bilked insurance companies out of more than $1 million.

Regulatory Spotlight On Usage-Based Automobile Insurance In Ontario And Quebec

Many Canadian automobile drivers have now enrolled in usage-based insurance (“UBI“) programs to benefit from a discount on their insurance premiums. Using telematics, UBI programs record several factors such as acceleration, hard braking, mileage driven, time of day travelled and sharp turns to analyze driving behaviour and reward safe driving. New technology now allows smartphone applications to track such driving habits.

Income Replacement and Non-Earner Benefits

Statutory accident benefits (“accident benefits”) are a type of no-fault insurance coverage attached to every automobile insurance policy in Ontario. The law which governs accident benefits is a regulation made under the Insurance Act. The law governing accident benefits was amended for motor vehicle accidents occurring on or after September 1, 2010. These amendments resulted in a dramatic reduction in available accident benefits in cases that do not involve a catastrophic impairment. Except where specified, all references in this paper are to the current legislation. All accident benefits described assume that the insured person has not purchased any optional coverage.

Classical FM Radio Interview: Proposed Auto Insurance Reforms

James Vigmond explains how the new auto insurance rules proposed by the provincial government will drastically reduce benefits for people with catastrophic injuries and lead to financial ruin for families.

New Ontario health care watchdog to investigate patient complaints

“The largest expenditure that we have is health care and I think the public deserves and wants transparency…so it is better to have (the patient ombudsman) reporting directly to the legislature,” said NDP House leader Gilles Bisson previously.

Doctors’ Notes: Proceed with caution on painkillers

I routinely see patients whose lives have been ruined by opioid painkillers — drugs like morphine, oxycodone and hydromorphone. Most of these patients started with back pain or arthritis; others were given a month’s worth of pills after surgery and simply continued taking them.

Just released – Minor Injury Treatment Protocol

The Final Report of the Minor Injury Treatment Protocol Project, titled “Enabling Recovery from Common Traffic Injuries: A Focus on the Injured Person” (Final Report) was delivered to FSCO at the end of December 2014. The Final Report recommends treatment based on extensive research by world renowned medical and scientific experts. The research complies with rigorous scientific methodologies and research protocols.

To review the Final Report please visit the following link:
For your convenience, the following tool summarizes the recommendations in the Final Report:
In addition, the research material referenced in the Final Report is currently available, in English, by contacting FSCO at This material will also be posted in both English and French on the website as soon as the French translation is available.
Stakeholders are invited to submit feedback on the Final Report, addressing the following question: “What are the potential impacts of the recommendations in the Final Report on you as a stakeholder?” Submissions will be accepted at until July 31, 2015.