Author Archives: Admin2

Ontario’s critical-incident overhaul a lesson for NDP

“If this government can help them understand what did happen, if we can respect them by involving them in the process, if we can do the absolute maximum in terms of sharing information to give them confidence that hopefully it will never happen again to anyone else, that’s the least we should be able to do for people in such tragic circumstances.”—edited-311388971.html

Regulatory spotlight on usage-based automobile insurance in Ontario and Quebec

Many Canadian automobile drivers have now enrolled in usage-based insurance (“UBI”) programs to benefit from a discount on their insurance premiums. Using telematics, UBI programs record several factors such as acceleration, hard braking, mileage driven, time of day travelled and sharp turns to analyze driving behaviour and reward safe driving. New technology now allows smartphone applications to track such driving habits.

Moose-collision memory loss reveals complex brain functions

The story of a Newfoundland man who was struck by a moose but doesn’t remember it is not just a curious tale of luck. It also highlights the complex underpinnings of human memory, a neuroscience expert says.

Car Insurance Fraud In Ontario – Learn How It Works And How To Avoid It

A staged collision is when another driver may signal or wave for you to take some sort of driving action like making a left turn through traffic or turning through and intersection. The driver will then intentionally collide with and cause an accident and deny that they gave you the right of way. The different types of staged collisions involving innocent victims – the “Swoop and Squat,” the “Drive Down” and the “Left Turn” are presented and explained in the video.

Re: Clarifying physician ‘undertakings,’ Letter June 25

Dr. Carol Leet, president of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, writes an extensive explanation of the college’s initiative in requiring errant physicians, found guilty of various offences by a discipline panel consisting of physicians and public lay people, to adhere to “undertakings,” which impact the physician’s future practice.

Design Of Spinal Implant Seems To Address Issue Of Rejection

When an accident that results in a spinal injury occurs, the damage may be impossible to undo. While individuals who suffer from the injury learn to live life differently, researchers search for effective treatments. In a previous post we wrote about how stem cells transplants have restored sensation to some paraplegics. That study was conducted by researchers based throughout the world, including in Toronto. In this post we will focus on another treatment approach that is being explored.

Letter: Doctor’s comments about experts challenged

Over the years, I have seen reports from many orthepedic doctors who are favoured by insurance companies. In all of them, there is a certain consistency of casting doubt on the honesty and integrity of accident victims. These doctors simply believe that when complaints are subjective, they are plainly false or exaggerated.

Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer Opposes Cuts to Auto Insurance Benefits

Changes to auto insurance benefits for motor vehicle accident victims were recently passed in the Ontario legislature as part of the 2015 Ontario budget. Finance Minister Charles Sousa released the budget on Thursday, April 23, and announced that, among other changes made, combined coverage for medical, rehabilitation and attendant care benefits for car accident victims with catastrophic injuries would be reduced.

Our car insurance is about to be eroded again

Just like in “Poltergeist II” (1986), “They’re back”. No, not ghosts. The government — wearing away at your automobile insurance benefits. It is hard for me to believe that I am writing another editorial about this subject. I thought for sure, by now, Ontarians would figure out that their automobile insurance protection has been so watered down that they are no longer properly protected from the economic effects of serious injury in a car accident

Quebec health institute calls for psychotherapy as front-line treatment choice

The Institut National d’Excellence en Santé et en Services Sociaux (INESSS), which advises the province on best-evidence guidelines for the health-care system, has concluded that psychotherapy is as effective as medication and does a better job at preventing relapse, for the most common – and costly – mental illnesses, depression and anxiety.