Author Archives: Admin2

Sousa’s budget deserves support

For years, Ontario’s spendthrift, deficit-addicted Liberal government has resembled a runaway train racing toward a sharp curve on a mountain pass. Anyone watching knew a wreck was inevitable — unless someone, somehow regained control of that great, roaring machine.

Car Accident Insurance Claim Procedure in Ontario

In your driving history, there may eventually be a time that you will be involved in an auto accident that may involve injury and damaged. The next step will be to file a claim with your insurance representative or company. This article will explain how the claim process works.

EASTERN PASSAGES: Gold-plated justice

Here’s a snippet from Supreme Court Justice Andromache Karakatsanis in a 2014 case: “(Undue) process and protracted trials, with unnecessary expense and delay, can prevent the fair and just resolution of disputes. The full trial has become largely illusory because, except where government funding is available, ordinary Canadians cannot afford to access the adjudication of civil disputes. … Prompt judicial resolution of legal disputes allows individuals to get on with their lives. But, when court costs and delays become too great, people look for alternatives or simply give up on justice.”

Note Taking and Insurance Claims; they go hand in hand (Ontario)

Intact Insurance has some great television commercials where an terrible accident happens (like a car driving in to a swimming pool); followed by a scene involving an insurance policy holder calling the insurer over the phone. The next scene is that of a well lit and pleasant call centre whereby an insurance agent from Intact proceeds to collect that person’s information and open up a claim in 5 minutes or less. Pretty impressive! The ad is meant to show the ease and speed in which Intact can open a file and process your claim.

Ontario Health Coalition calls on government to ‘stop the cuts’

Members of the Ontario Health Coalition and their supporters staged a peaceful demonstration outside of Liberal Cabinet Minister Ted McMeekin’s Waterdown constituency office on May 22 as part of the group’s escalating campaign against hospital cuts.

Yellow light and left hand turn accidents – who’s at fault?

In the legal industry, we often see cases where both drivers involved in a motor vehicle accident believed they had the right of way. These accidents could likely have been avoided had each driver had a better understanding of the law and the rules of the road.

Stop Reducing Ontario Accident Benefits – Save the Date: Rally June 3 at Queen’s Park

Save the Date: Rally June 3 at Queen’s Park to be confirmed next week!

Sign the petition – 18,123 people have already signed it!

Finance Minister Charles Sousa recently announced the following proposed changes to the standard benefit level:

-$1 million coverage for medical and rehabilitation benefits and $1 million for attendant care benefits for catastrophically impaired persons to be reduced to half and combined

-Non-catastrophic benefits to be reduced from $86,000 to $65,000

-Medical and rehabilitation benefits for non-catastrophically injured persons will be available for only 5 years instead of 10

-Non-earner benefits (available for students or recent graduates) limited to two years

These proposed changes are unethical, especially considering Ontarians overpaid $840 million in 2013 and $3-4 billion from 2001-2013.

And unless we speak up, changes to our Accident Benefits could continue to take hits. It takes a lot to recover from a serious injury and many will be impaired for the entirety of their lives.

Please sign this petition, pass along, and contact your local MPP.

Only the Rich Can Afford Lower Car Insurance Premiums

No fault accident benefits were supposed to compensate Ontario drivers for the significant reduction in their right to sue. 20 years ago when the right to sue for car accidents was restricted to serious and permanent injuries, the quid pro quo was a generous amount of benefits to cover lost income, caregiver and housekeeping help and medical care.

For – Profit rehab clinics driving up insurance costs

Ontarians deserve an auto insurance system that is simple, efficient and affordable. As with any product, the price of the auto insurance is set at a level that covers the cost of delivering it. The largest contributor to the cost of auto insurance premiums – by far – is claims payments.

Ontario to rethink disability welfare reviews

Queen’s Park is reversing an aggressive plan to clear a backlog of more than 60,000 medical reviews for people on disability welfare after advocates warned it would be a waste of public funds and put vulnerable Ontarians at risk.