Author Archives: Admin2

Ontarians not getting Auto Insurance savings they deserve

Provincial News: Liberals continue to put insurance industry profits ahead of Ontario drivers: NDP Deputy Leader

QUEEN’S PARK — Jagmeet Singh, NDP Deputy Leader and Consumer Services critic, demanded the Liberal government stop dragging its feet and deliver the auto insurance reductions the party promised Ontarians in the last election.

Structured Settlement – Is it beneficial to me?

Structured Settlement – Is it beneficial to me?

Settlement of your personal injury claim is ordinarily a one-time cash payment. This is better known as a lump sum settlement. The Canada Revenue Agency does not consider your personal injury settlement taxable. However any earnings generated from the settlement money once invested are taxable. Fortunately, a lump sum settlement is often not your only option.

A New Way to Report Aggressive Driving

We’ve all seen those drivers – the ones who tailgate, who weave in and out of traffic, and the ones that treat the 401 as if it’s a set piece from a Fast and Furious film. These dangerous and aggressive drivers are a problem for all of us. Most of the time we shake our heads as they speed past us, assuming that there is really nothing that we can do about the situation. The problem tends to intensify in the summer months once the snow and ice are gone and some drivers feel more at ease to take risks on the roadway.

Ontario Government strips coverage from those most injured and calls it “Promoting consumer protection”

Change the standard benefit level for medical and rehabilitation benefits to
$65,000 (from $50,000) and include attendant care services under this
benefit limit. Consumers will also have an option to increase that coverage
up to $1 million;
Include attendant care services with the $1 million medical and
rehabilitation benefit for catastrophic impairments, and provide the option
for additional coverage of $1 million, for $2 million in total coverage;
Reduce the standard duration of medical and rehabilitation benefits from
10 years to five years for all claimants except children;


Read the excerpt on auto insurance only 2015 Ontario Budget re auto insurance section

Where car insurance shoppers hurt most in Canada

Although a recent study concluded that Ontario drivers overpaid about $3 billion on their auto insurance, motorists in Alberta also remain fiscally strained: the average 35 year-old man in Edmonton, for example, will pay $1,237 per year for coverage, according to

Toronto man charged with auto insurance fraud: Aviva Canada

A Toronto man has been charged with fraud over $5,000 in connection with a fraudulent auto insurance claim.

Ontario politicians concerned about uninsured ‘bandit’ taxis vote to increase fines

Amid concerns about “bandit taxi cabs” operating without proper commercial auto insurance, Ontario politicians recently voted in favour of a bill proposing to raise fines – and introduce license suspensions and vehicle impoundment on second offence – of drivers caught transporting passengers for compensation without a permit.

Auto insurance rancour heats up

The rancour among personal injury lawyers and the insurance industry continues to heat up with both sides trading accusations over who’s responsible for high insurance premiums in Ontario.

Industry draws fire for support of petition

Not everyone is clapping their hands with joy over the petition to cap personal injury lawyer fees, with some readers choosing to blame insurers for the current state of affairs.