• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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January 21, 2019


A judge approved a settlement in a certified class action that alleged a breach of the Solicitors Actaccording to Neinstein LLP, the firm named in the case, Hodge v. Neinstein

Auto Insurance Rates for the Fourth Quarter of 2018

This notice provides an overview of the private passenger automobile insurance rate changes approved by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) for filings reviewed in the fourth quarter of 2018. The number of filings reviewed by FSCO and the overall average rate change for the Ontario market may vary from quarter to quarter, based on updated information about claims costs, market conditions, financial factors and the resulting impact that these factors have on the adequacy of an insurance company’s current rates. 


Canada: Ontario Government Auto Insurance Reform

On January 9, 2019 the Ontario Government issued a news release announcing that it is seeking input on how to make auto insurance more affordable. The Government is inviting drivers and consumers to share their views on how to lower the Province’s auto insurance rates. Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance says “the previous government’s failed system of stretch goals on auto insurance is clearly broken. Auto insurance rates in Ontario are among the highest in the country, and action is needed.” 

Spotlight: Auto insurance rates in Ontario set to increase by over 3% at the start of 2019

In Ontario, changes to auto insurance rates must be approved by the Financial Service Commission of Ontario (FSCO). Insurers file proposed amendments to their rates quarterly along with data to support the increase, or decrease in premiums for policyholders – this data identifies trends like where a company has experienced a change in claims cost for certain types of coverage (i.e. if there was a higher average cost of bodily injury claims). 


The Ontario Government is inviting drivers to share their views on how to lower the province’s auto insurance rates as part of its commitment to making life more affordable. Consumers and businesses are invited to share their views as well, with all of this input to be given no later than February 15, 2019. But, the Opposition at Queen’s Park has accused the government of wasting time and money by announcing the public consultation. Libby speaks with the Director of Consumer & Industry Relations at the Insurance Bureau of Canada, Pete Karageorgos and the MPP for Brampton East, Gurratan Singh who is the NDP Critic for Auto Insurance. 

New hearing ordered – Interest to be paid at correct rate – Shannon Doxtater and Aviva Canada Inc.

Ms. Doxtater appeals the order of Arbitrator Mongeon dated November 17, 2017  in which he awarded her IRBs from December 23, 2013 to October 31, 2015 but dismissed her claims of entitlement to post-104 week IRB’s.  The Arbitrator also ordered that Aviva pay Ms. Doxtater a $1,000 special award for withholding the IRB’s for the period December 23, 2013 to October 31, 2015 and awarded Ms. Doxtater interest at 2% compounded monthly on overdue payments.  Aviva cross-appeals the arbitrator’s award of a special award in the amount of $1,000 and interest at 2% compounded monthly on overdue payments. 

What’s Happening With B.C. Auto Insurance?

When the NDP government was formed, they inherited quite a mess. Auto insurance costs were rising rapidly and rates increases had not kept up. The previous government had also drained the public insurer, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), of surplus funds from previous years. As a result, the ICBC was running losses in excess of $1 billion. 

Why private, for-profit health care is a terrible idea

Ontario Premier Doug Ford may be planning a two-tiered, profit-driven health-care system, according to the Toronto Star. This is clearly the wrong solution to the health-care woes of the province, and the nation as a whole. 

Comments Received
2019-001: Assessments and Fees


January 18, 2019

Ontario auto insurance system ‘undoubtedly broken,’ personal injury lawyers say

The Ontario government has begun public consultations on how to reform the auto insurance system for the nearly 10 million drivers across the province. However, personal injury lawyers say “tinkering” with an “undoubtedly broken” system doesn’t work and complete overhaul is needed. 

Is The Insurance Company Trying To Upset Your Case? 

What’s important to remember is that the insurance company is not on a personal quest to destroy your case. There isn’t a picture of you in some office, somewhere, with darts sticking out of it. They are just engaging in tactics that they always engage in, to minimize their payout. 

$60 MILLION: Ottawa law office launches suit over Westboro bus crash

An Ottawa law office has launched a class action lawsuit seeking financial compensation for people injured and traumatized in last week’s OC Transpo bus crash at Westboro station. 

Survey: Most Canadians would switch auto insurers for $150 of savings 

Toronto, Ontario — January 17, 2019 –- While collision repair centre customers whose repairs are being covered by auto insurers may not be particularly concerned about the final bill, they are more likely to raise a huff about a spike in their premiums. A new survey-based study has found that most Canadians would  switch auto insurance providers for just $150 in annual savings. 

Attending a Clinic for Injuries after my Crash

As I became more mobile, I now find myself on a waiting list to attend an outpatient rehabilitation clinic. I am told by numerous medical professionals that I will need more treatment for the multiple injuries I sustained in my crash.  After 8 weeks or so, my broken ribs have healed and I can finally sleep on my side and lift myself out of bed but now my “pain sensors” have moved.  

Hodge v. Neinstein, 2019 ONSC 439 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hx1ll 

3.      The Settlement Agreement

[21]           The Settlement, if approved, will provide compensation to each Class Member who submits a Claim Form that satisfies the eligibility criteria stipulated in the Settlement Agreement. It is designed to provide an efficient, objective, paper-based process for Class Members to obtain recovery if they have eligible claims. The key terms of the Settlement addressing claims and compensation for Class Members may be summarized as follows:

a.      For each Eligible Claim, the law firm will pay 30% of the amount referenced on the face of the account as being for “Party-and-Party Costs” or “Partial Indemnity Costs” or equivalent language specifically referencing costs. Under the Settlement, this amount is payable regardless of any discounts given to the Class Member at the time the account was rendered and regardless of any of the circumstances of the underlying representation of the Class Member.

b.      The Settlement is based on claims made; there is no cap on the total amount to be paid by the Firm to the Class Members.

c.      The Claims Administrator will determine a Class Member’s entitlement to compensation under the Settlement based on a straightforward, mechanical review of the face of the Client Documents alone.

d.      The Claims Administrator, on a paper-based review of documents in the Class Member’s file, will determine whether a claim is an Eligible Claim, based exclusively on the following criteria in the Settlement Agreement:

                                                               i.      The Class Member is not an Opt Out and has submitted a Claim Form by the Claims Deadline, including the waiver of solicitor-client privilege indicated on the Claim Form (Article 8);

                                                            ii.      Subject to the Claims Administrator’s sole discretion to correct any omissions or clerical errors on a Claim Form, the Claim Form contains the requisite information (Articles 23 and 24);

                                                            iii.      The Firm’s representation of the Claimant must have included:

1.      a tort claim, which settled for at least $40,000 (Article 27(a)(i));

2.      payment by the Claimant to the Firm for legal fees and/or costs (excluding disbursements and taxes) in respect of the settlement of the tort claim of at least $15,000 (Article 27(a)(ii)); and

3.      the account the Firm rendered to the Claimant upon settlement of the tort claim references an amount for “party and party costs” or “partial indemnity costs” (or equivalent language specifically referencing costs), in addition to an amount taken for legal fees (Article 27(b)).

e.      The settlement does not provide compensation in respect of disbursements and interest charges. The law firm disputed this claim on a variety of grounds, including the fact that the defendants in the personal injury action typically paid the disbursements rather than the Class Members. In any event, as a result of the class proceeding, the law firm changed its practices, and it no longer charges interest on out-of-pocket disbursements and it has discontinued several disbursement charges impugned by Ms. Hodge.

f.        The settlement designates three lawyers to provide independent legal advice to Class Members who have received the notice and who have questions. 

[24]           The parties used sampling of the firm’s files to make an estimate of the value of the settlement. Based on the sample, it is estimated that there were will be 468 eligible claimants (26.67% of the estimated class of 1755 Class Members) with an average claim value of $8,656.39 Thus, it is estimated that the value of the settlement is approximately $4.05 million.

[25]           Also based on sampling, Class Counsel estimates that the Class was entirely successful, the recovery would be approximately $21.8 million in costs and $5.3 million in estimated disbursement overcharges.

January 17, 2019

Personal Injury firm to pay an estimated $4 million to settle class-action with former clients

A personal injury law firm has agreed to pay an estimated $4 million to settle claims that the firm double-dipped from the settlements of nearly 1,800 accident victims it represented. 


Brampton MPP Says Ford Is “Stalling” With Car Insurance Review

Brampton East NDP MPP Gurratan Singh wants the Ford government to cut to the chase when it comes to lowering Ontario’s cost of auto insurance. 

Drivers using a phone four times more likely to crash: Haté

The tough new penalties that recently came into effect for distracted driving are a positive development, Toronto personal injury lawyer Rohan Hatétells AdvocateDaily.com

Whatever Happended to Vision Zero?

Seventeen pedestrians were injured in separate incidents in the Toronto area on a rainy night in early November of 2018. After two years of press conferences, millions in infrastructure improvements, and repeated promises by the city of Toronto, pedestrian safety still goes out the window every time mother nature has a bad day. 

Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Jury Cases in Ontario

Insurance companies automatically file Jury Notices to accompany their Statements of Defence because they know that jurors don’t like sitting through long personal injury cases. A disengaged and disgruntled juror will be less likely to side with the Plaintiff. 

Long-term disability insurance part 2: denials

Employees should act quickly following an insurer’s denial of long-term disability (LTD) benefits, Toronto personal injury and disability lawyer Nainesh Kotak tells AdvocateDaily.com

ICBC’s Secret “Meat Chart” for Pain and Suffering and the Actual Law

As reported last week by the Vancouver Sun, ICBC’s top brass have handed out directives to all adjusters to withdraw settlement offers on existing claims and re-assess claims not by the law but by an internal meat chart. 

January 16, 2019

Insurers react: Fixing Ontario’s auto insurance ‘very challenging’

Auto insurance in Ontario has been a highly contentious issue for many years. The system has been plagued with high rates, low profitability and a lack of consensus (political, industrial and public) around what changes can and should be made. A report commissioned by the Liberal Government revealed that, in 2016, Ontario had the costliest auto insurance premiums in the country, despite boasting some of the lowest numbers of accidents and fatalities. 

Industry in the dark on auto reform

Nearly two years after David Marshall released his report on Ontario auto insurance reform, there is still no indication on where the government plans to go with it. 

‘Lawyer up’ if denied LTD benefits: Goldfinger

A denial of long-term disability (LTD) benefits can be devastating for someone who is sick or injured, which is why Toronto personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger advises claimants to “lawyer up.” 

Civil suit blames teen for getting killed by drunk driver

An impaired driver sent to prison for veering onto a sidewalk and killing a first-year student at Western University is blaming the 18-year-old Toronto teen who died, alleging she was impaired and jaywalking. 
MVA Recovery and Support and Recovery Group’s Dawne MacKay is chosen by @tbi__hope as one of their 2019 Hope Heroes.

If you’re in the middle of a personal injury suit, do yourself a favour and stay off of social media.

It may sound harsh but the single biggest reason that personal injury cases don’t go well is when perception becomes reality. ‘What are you talking about?’, I can hear you saying. 

Artificial intelligence can predict PTSD in patients: London researchers

Researchers in London are opening an electronic window into a mysterious mental illness that affects many Canadians, one that could lead to both better diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder and improved treatment. 

Study Finds Untreated PTSD Might Increase Heart Disease and Cancer Risk

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can wreak havoc on a person’s mental state. And now, new research suggests if the condition is left untreated, it could lead to an increased risk for heart disease or cancer

Trial lawyers say ICBC treating those injured in crashes unfairly due to settlement changes

ICBC has recently changed the way it handles injury settlements and B.C. trial lawyers are worried it will hurt victims and increase costs for rate payers. 

January 15, 2019

Ontario Government Auto Insurance Reform

On January 9, 2019 the Ontario Government issued a news release announcing that it is seeking input on how to make auto insurance more affordable. The Government is inviting drivers and consumers to share their views on how to lower the Province’s auto insurance rates. Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance says “the previous government’s failed system of stretch goals on auto insurance is clearly broken. Auto insurance rates in Ontario are among the highest in the country, and action is needed.” 

Brampton East MPP Gurratan Singh criticizes auto insurance consultation

Shortly after the Ontario government created a consultation on the province’s auto insurance system, Brampton East MPP Gurratan Singh issued a statement criticizing the announcement, saying the government is stalling when it comes to lowering premiums. 

Distracted Driving Will Cost You

In Ontario, deaths from distracted driving have doubled since 2000. The government has responded to this dangerous practice by enacting a law, effective January 1, 2019, that significantly increases the penalties for distracted driving. 

Pedestrian and Cyclist Deaths Don’t Seem to Matter

We don’t seem to have much regard for pedestrian and cyclist deaths as a society, and the reaction to the deaths is shaped by editorial coverage in the media. Vulnerable road users (cyclists and pedestrians) die frequently in car collisions. In the USA approximately 20% of the 37,000 road deaths annually are pedestrians and cyclists yet there is little outrage over the numbers. 

FunctionAbility and Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy merge to form Ontario’s destination rehabilitation provider for severely injured clients

FunctionAbility Rehabilitation Services and Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy are pleased to announce that we have formally joined forces to become the largest provider of third party funded multidisciplinary rehabilitation services in Ontario specializing in the expert assessment and treatment of persons with severe injuries. 

Toronto neuroscientist getting closer to tailored treatments for chronic pain

Dr. Karen Davis, senior scientist and division head of brain imaging and behaviour systems neuroscience at the Krembil Brain Institute, uses the techniques to identify markers in the brain denoting pain, and just as important, the brain’s response to certain treatments. 

Rekindled Affect Requires Kindness in Trauma Recovery

Affect can be a fickle mistress. When affect works as it should, we are unaware of its role. We laugh, we cry, we snort, we sigh, we get serious, and we devolve into silliness. And we do it all as normal responses to the vagaries of life. But woe to your affect when you suffer a brain injury and worse to you and your affect if trauma rides along in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

January 14, 2019

EDITORIAL: Auto insurance review long overdue

Consumer groups like FAIR (Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform) say this means accident victims have to hire their own lawyers and medical experts to counter their own insurance companies’ lawyers and medical experts, eating up billions of dollars that should be spent on treating and rehabilitating accident victims.

Auto insurance companies in Ontario just jacked up their rates big time

Auto insurance companies have raised their rates an average of 3.35% in the fourth quarter of 2018, based on rate approvals from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO). FSCO is responsible for regulating auto insurance in the province. 

Insurance firm’s treatment of van-attack victim is shameless

The insurance company is quoted as saying: “AIG is deeply concerned for all the victims of this tragedy and we take our responsibilities very seriously … we adhere to processes mandated by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario.” 

Class action lawsuit alleges insurance companies breaking the law and the province doing nothing to stop them

Right after it happened, Bill Elliott says it felt like someone “whacked me across the neck with a baseball bat.”

But the pain hasn’t gone away in the two years since the taxi cab he was driving was hit by a car running a red light at a North Bay intersection in 2016.



Bus driver in deadly Ottawa crash alleged to have been in another collision days before

Multiple transit supervisors expressed concerns about Aissatou Diallo’s suitability as an OC Transpo bus driver after two collisions on the road prior to Friday’s fatal crash at Westboro station, this newspaper has learned. 

Service Providers 2017/2018 Market Conduct Compliance: Examination Results

This report summarizes FSCO’s findings from the 190 on-site examinations and 106 desk reviews conducted during fiscal year 2017/18 (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018). This report also sets expectations, accountability and compliance requirements that govern the industry and help protect consumers.


Applicant repeatedly submits treatment plans with no supporting medical evidence – Injuries fall within MIG – 17-005134 v Aviva General, 2018 CanLII 76417 (ON LAT)

On December 22, 2015, the applicant was driving when he was hit by another car emerging from a driveway of a plaza.  The applicant returned to work within a week following the accident, working regular hours but with modified duties. The applicant sought benefits from Aviva pursuant to the SABs. 

Case law on social host liability continues to evolve

More than a decade on from a landmark Supreme Court of Canada decision that opened the door to social host liability, insurance lawyers are still waiting for a decisive step forward in the case law. 
Mandel v. Fakhim, 2018 ONSC 7580 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hwpw0  

[56]           Second, in my view the supposed purpose of civil jury trials suggested by Justice Myers, together with any corresponding suggestions of inherent injustice supposedly inflicted by the civil jury system, fly in the face of repeated indications by the Supreme Court of Canada and our own Court of Appeal that civil jury trials ensure our system of justice benefits from the “wisdom of … collective life experience”, “a healthy measure of common sense” and a “reflection of societal values” that jurors bring to trials, and that “one of the strengths of the jury system is that it keeps the law in touch with evolving realities, including financial realities”.  I do not think those appellate statements, emphasizing the true purpose and contributions to justice of the civil jury system, should or can be effectively dismissed as some form of sham or meaningless verbiage.  To the contrary, those appellate views are binding on the judges of this court.  Moreover, the wisdom and accuracy of those appellate views seems readily apparent when one considers precedents dealing with motions to strike jury notices extending decades into the past; precedents which seem to suggest periods when such motions were brought predominantly by defendants, and other periods, (including the experience of recent years), wherein such motions have been brought primarily by plaintiffs.  If defendants and plaintiffs, over time, successively perceive their preferences to be out of step with current jury verdict trends, (i.e., because jurors appear to be giving expression to an outlook on underlying realities and society values not favoured at the time by defendants or plaintiffs, as the case may be), one legitimate inference is that the civil jury system is not broken but instead working as intended.

[57]           Third, I do not think the comments of Justice Myers were meant to suggest that insurers were somehow cynically intent on using the jury system to work injustice, as opposed to choosing the mode of trial they thought most likely to result in true justice in particular cases.  In any event, to the extent the comments of Justice Myers have been perceived to have that meaning by plaintiff counsel, I disagree with them.  Appellate courts repeatedly have emphasized that trial judges should not permit counsel, in submissions to a jury, to demonize or impugn a litigant’s motives or morality, as such considerations lead to flawed and prohibited reasoning.  In my view, judges should not engage in any similar process or reasoning in relation to an insured defendant’s filing of a jury notice, in the absence of clear evidence to support accusations of wrongful intent.

[58]           Fourth, and more generally, to the extent the comments of Justice Myers suggest that chronic pain claimants are incapable of receiving a fair and favourable verdict from a jury, (including substantial damage awards in appropriate cases, where the subjective claims of a plaintiff are found to be credible), that is not my view or experience for the reasons outlined above.


S. M. T. c R. C., 2018 CanLII 103928 (ON HPARB), <http://canlii.ca/t/hvx42 

1.           It is the decision of the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board to return the decision to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario as unreasonable, and to require it to reconsider its decision to order  S. M. T. (the Applicant) to complete a Specified Continuing Education and Remedial Program (“SCERP”). The terms of the SCERP are as follows:

The provisions of the SCERP designed for [the Applicant] are to be completed within three months of the conclusion of the complaints review process and include the submission of a reflective essay of approximately 1,500 words to the satisfaction of the Registrar. In this essay, the panel expects [the Applicant] to reflect on the Colleges Standards for Occupational Therapy Assessments and in particular the importance of ensuring that information contained in the occupational therapy assessment report is thorough, that it accurately reflects a claimant’s functional abilities and that it is supported by objective measures.

In addition to reflecting on what steps [the Applicant] has taken to educate herself on how to properly document the steps taken to reach an overall conclusion in an assessment report, the reflective essay to be prepared by [the Applicant] should explain how to properly perform active and passive range of motion, and strength testing.

2.           This decision arises from a request made to the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (the Board) by S. M. T., OT to review a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (the Committee) of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (the College). The decision concerned a complaint by R. C. (the Respondent) regarding the conduct and actions of the Applicant. The Committee investigated the complaint and determined that a Specified Continuing Education and Remedial Program (“SCERP”), as set out above, was required. 


January 11, 2019

Brokerage says ending Ontario’s auto pricing discrimination does not solve everything

The government of Ontario has finally opened the floor to the public to provide input on how its auto insurance system can be fixed. While some industry heads are looking forward to meaningful changes that lead to lower costs for consumers, one insurance company believes changing the way premiums are priced could hurt drivers. 

New impaired driving law means police can ask for breathalyzer test anywhere

When we think of breathalyzer tests, we tend to think of someone inside a vehicle who’s either been pulled over on the side of the road or stopped during a ride program. But under revised federal law that came into effect December 2018, where and when police can demand breathalyzer tests has changed. 
In Ontario, we can now get a licence suspension for distracted driving now and I’ve been arguing with my mom about what that actually means. She says it means you can’t eat or drink or do anything else distracting while driving, such as touch your phone or fiddle with the radio. So what’s actually illegal? – Tasha, Oshawa 

Safety recall affects 1.7 million vehicles in North America

DETROIT – Toyota is recalling 1.7 million vehicles in North America to replace potentially deadly Takata front passenger air bag inflators. 

Lloyd’s of London hit with federal class action relating to “virtually worthless” insurance

Certain underwriters at Lloyd’s of London, insurance agencies, and Lloyd’s syndicates have been taken to court.

A federal class action lawsuit has been filed with the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii over what were described as “virtually worthless” policies. The case centres on surplus lines insurance and points to an alleged scheme designed to drive Hawaiian homeowners away from state-established coverage.


The Sequence of Plaintiff Witnesses – Ismail v. Fleming, 2018 ONSC 6311 (CanLII)

This motion arises from a 2009 car accident that is currently subject of a civil jury trial. The car accident occurred when the defendants’ vehicle made a left turn across the path of the plaintiff’s vehicle.  The two vehicles collided “in a T-bone fashion”, with the front of the plaintiff’s vehicle colliding with the side of the defendants’ vehicle. 

Guilty or Not Guilty in Crash?

Sometime in January, I received a call from the police officer that came to the site of my motor vehicle crash.  I would soon learn that this particular officer only worked with “fatal crashes”.  He spent his days out on the road at fatal crash sites and I can’t imagine how difficult that must be for him.  The day of my crash I was told that there was a “minor crash” at the intersection where my crash happened and that two vehicles were pulled over to exchange information.  

For Owners of Amazon’s Ring Security Cameras, Strangers May Have Been Watching Too

The “smart home” of the 21st century isn’t just supposed to be a monument to convenience, we’re told, but also to protection, a Tony Stark-like bubble of vigilant algorithms and internet-connected sensors working ceaselessly to watch over us. But for some who’ve welcomed in Amazon’s Ring security cameras, there have been more than just algorithms watching through the lens, according to sources alarmed by Ring’s dismal privacy practices. 

January 10, 2019

2019 Pre-Budget Consultations

Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but wish to comment on the issue may send a written submission to the Clerk of the Committee at the address below by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 29, 2019.  

Ontario wants to hear from consumers about how to lower auto rates

The Ontario government is inviting drivers and consumers to share their views on how to lower the province’s auto insurance rates, part of a broader initiative on auto insurance reform. 

After Liberals tried and failed, PCs will try to lower Ontario auto insurance rates

The Ontario government has launched a review of the province’s auto insurance system, saying it hopes to lower rates for drivers who pay some of the most expensive premiums in the country. 

Industry responds to Ontario’s public consultation on auto insurance

Following an announcement by the Progressive Conservative government of Ontario to hold a public consultation on the province’s auto insurance system, several industry heads have responded to the invitation. 

Ontario Auto Insurance Topics

Last spring I wrote about the factors that were actually driving up the cost of auto insurance i.e., distracted driving, vehicle repairs and fraud. That hasn’t changed. None of this was mentioned in David Marshall’s report. 

Brian Goldfinger on getting results in Long Term Disability Cases (Ontario)

Lots of employees know they have benefits. Detailing what those benefits are is the next step. Understanding whether or not you have private long term disability coverage, and if so, how that coverage works is best when putting your mind to long term disability claims in Ontario. 

The EyeBox – A New Concussion Detection Device

A Minnesota doctor worked for years to develop a device which detects small discrepancies in eye movement in order to reveal the existence of concussion. The EyeBox is the only non-invasive and baseline-free test authorized by the FDA as an aid in concussion diagnosis. 

January 9, 2019

Insurer withholds payment to cover care for Toronto van attack victim

In her 91 years, Aleksandra Kozhevnikova survived Stalinist Russia, served the allied war effort as a teenager in the 1940s, suffered the death of a child, taught special needs children and eventually came to Canada 12 years ago, where she has lived an independent and healthy life.



PCs launch review of Ontario auto insurance system

The Ontario government is reviewing the province’s auto insurance system in a bid to lower rates for drivers. 

Ontario introduces auto insurance system review and public consultation

Plagued by high rates and low profitability, auto insurance in Ontario is now under official scrutiny. The Progressive Conservative government in the province has announced that it will be reviewing the auto insurance system as it looks to lower rates for drivers, which will involve examining practices in other jurisdictions to determine how to best tackle the issue and introduce competition into the system, according to the Canadian Press. 

Survey: making auto insurance more accessible and affordable in Ontario


The Use of Vehicle Damage Evidence in Low Speed Collisions – Ismail v. Fleming, 2018 ONSC 6311 (CanLII)

PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO EXCLUDE VEHICLE DAMAGE EVIDENCE: a question of causation; probative value of evidence; prejudicial impact of introducing evidence of trivial impact; there were no meaningful concerns that the evidence in question would present anything in a biased, misleading or unreliable manner to undermine the plaintiff’s position in this litigation; low speed injuries 

What’s private on mobile device? Courts work on this question.

The use of social media accounts as evidence in court rooms is becoming common. More than one insurance case has been made or broken by images of individuals doing things they claim they cannot, or by confirming that in fact individuals are not able to do what they would like. The gathering of the evidence has been straight forward to date. If the information is publicly available, then it is by and large considered admissible as evidence. 

Consumers’ guide to long-term disability insurance

Long-term disability (LTD) insurance is designed to financially help those who suffer an injury or disability that prevents them from working, but Toronto plaintiff personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger says many people aren’t clear what their policies can — and can’t — do for them. 


First responders suffering from ‘moral injury’

Any event, action or inaction transgressing our moral or ethical beliefs, expectations and standards can set the stage for what we call moral injury. While we often hear of moral injury among military and veterans, it is rather more recently that it has received increasing attention and recognition among police officers and first responders. 

Concussion treatment met with both delight, skepticism

Some concussion sufferers say a chiropractic treatment called vestibular therapy has given them back their lives, but some doctors and neuroscientists are urging caution. 

Post-retirement Disability Benefit 


January 8, 2019

But It Was Just An Accident!

How many times have we heard that utterance? 

An accident happens, someone gets injured or dies, and during legal proceedings the injured person points blame at the “tortfeasor” (the person who caused the accident). But the presence of an injury does not necessarily mean that the tortfeasor was negligent. 


PI lawyers support bill on auto insurance rate-setting

A group of personal injury lawyers with connections to Brampton, Ont. have indicated their support for legislative efforts to end “postal code discrimination” in auto insurance rate-setting.  

Insurer reacts to new distracted driving penalties

The new licence suspensions and $500 minimum fines for distracted driving should remind Ontario motorists not to text and drive, a spokesperson for CAA South Central Ontario predicts. 

Cadieux v. Cloutier, 2018 ONCA 903

Since the start of no-fault auto insurance benefits in Ontario, tort defendants were entitled to deduct collateral benefits the plaintiff received before the tort trial and obtain an assignment for future no-fault benefits that are the same as the damages awarded. The principle is that an injured plaintiff should not receive double recovery i.e. be paid both no-fault insurance benefits and the same type of damage in the tort case. 

Auto insurance brokers receive nearly 20 per cent commission when safest drivers get optional insurance

ICBC documents show that insurance brokers can receive a nearly 20 per cent commission on optional insurance packages.

Global News obtained a copy of the broker remuneration plan for 2019 that shows a fee structure ranging from the 3.11 per cent base premium for drivers with no discount to 19.93 per cent for drivers with the highest safe driver discount.



In defence of public insurance

British Columbia’s public auto insurer is challenging the view that opening up the market to competition will create efficiencies and better accident benefits. 

Claiming Personal Injury Damages for Whiplash 

An injured person may not feel significant symptoms from whiplash for days after their accident, or even longer in some cases.  And, whiplash symptoms can be fairly mild and resolve quickly in some cases, but for others, the symptoms can result in chronic pain and compromised mobility that lasts for years. 

The Interaction Between Accident Benefits and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

Car crashes often cause serious injuries, which can be long term and require substantial treatment. Some accident victims unfortunately become disabled as a result of their injuries. 

Catastrophic Injuries Infographic

catastrophic injury is one that causes lasting emotional and physical harm. If an injury negatively impacts your life, such as paralysis or amputation, this is considered catastrophic. Other injuries that can be classified as catastrophic can include brain injury, spinal cord injury, or any injury that requires multiple surgeries or a lengthy stay in the hospital. If your injury impacts your ability to work, this can also be considered catastrophic. 

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Effort and Fatigue

It appears that the more we learn about the brain, the more we know we don’t understand. In the latest issue of Frontiers in Neurology a research paper has been published. There appears to be a strong link between mild TBI and effort and fatigue. Presence of mental fatigue is well noted in individuals with mTBI. The fact that it is often a long term and debilitating symptom is being studied in order to establish the exact causes of the fatigue and to then determine treatment options.