• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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October 30, 2018

Report: Auto Insurance Rates Rise in Ontario, Alberta and Atlantic Canada 
Today, LowestRates.ca, an online recommendation site for personal finance products like insurance, mortgages, loans and credit cards, released its Q3 2018 Auto Insurance Price Index, which uses proprietary data to track the average cost of car insurance in Canada on a quarterly basis. 
Legislation puts sustainability of Ontario auto product at risk: Top 5 insurer 

The major problems of the Ontario auto insurance product won’t be solved by changing the territorial rating system, a major insurer warns.
Who’s rating doctors on RateMDs? The invisible hand of ‘reputation management’ 
Did that doctor pay to hide some bad reviews on RateMDs, the online physician rating system? You wouldn’t know. 
The Comprehensive Guide to Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
It has been stated that 1 in 3 adults in the USA is not getting enough sleep, and this is a problem. Sleep deprivation can cause a whole range of negative things, from accidents at work to health conditions that can permanently affect you. As a result, it is important that you get enough sleep, and that you learn how to improve your nighttime schedule if your pattern is way off base. We know it isn’t an easy thing to try and overcome, but with this handy guide, we are here to help you out. 
How many blows to the head are too many?
There has been a lot in the news about sport, concussion and long-term brain damage. Researchers are now investigating how many blows to the head are too many. A new research paper has focussed on trying to answer that question by looking at football players. 

Basic income cancellation heads to court in January

The province’s cancellation of the basic income pilot project is heading to court in January.

Lawyer Mike Perry will head to superior court over the project, which impacted recipients in Hamilton, Lindsay and Thunder Bay.


October 29, 2018

October 26, 2018

The “No Crash, No Cash” Rule on Public Transit Vehicles

Since May 10, 2011, Ontario riders on public transit vehicles who sustain injuries can no longer pursue accident benefits if the public transit vehicle they were riding in “did not collide with another automobile or any other object in the incident” as stipulated by section 268(1.1) of the Insurance Act R.S.O. 1990, c. I.8.    

“If you can’t find your itinerant clients, have they failed to cooperate with your defence of an auto insurance liability action?”, Gore Mutual Insurance Company

An Ontario court recently ordered Gore Mutual Insurance Company  to pay a $300,000 balance owing on a settlement judgment, after finding that the inability of the company and its lawyers to locate their insured car owner and her son (who was involved in an accident) did not mean the car owner client was trying to evade the legal process. 

Dispelling myths about discovery plans

Discovery plans reduce the cost of litigation when properly used, says Wendy Cole, director of project management and counsel with Heuristica Discovery Counsel

Way out of poverty ‘is something called a job’: Ford

Within weeks of being swept into power, the premier’s fledgling Progressive Conservative government announced it would be prematurely ending the program, originally designed to be a three-year experiment which provided a guaranteed monthly income to eligible participants in Thunder Bay, Hamilton, Lindsay and Brantford. 

October 25, 2018

When employers can require an IME as part of the duty to accommodate

In this case, the applicant was superintendent of schools at a school board. He had worked at the board (and its predecessor) since 1975. In 2010, the board appointed another individual as its director of education, a position that the applicant hoped to be considered for, but was not. This eventually triggered the applicant’s depression, which led to a two-year paid sick leave from work followed by his eventual resignation in 2013. 

How Much Car Insurance Do I Really Need? – Accident Benefits

Have you ever made a seemingly minor decision that you really thanked yourself for later on? For example, keeping that receipt that you were about to throw away, only to discover months later that you need that receipt for the product warranty? In the case of automobile insurance, making what might seem like a minor decision to purchase optional accident benefits right now is something that you and your family might really be thankful for in future years. 

The Application for Accident Benefits after a car accident in Ontario and all of those OCF Claim Forms

Completing the Application for Accident Benefits is the single and most important step in any car accident case.

Without a completed Application for Accident Benefits, your car accident case; both for tort and accident benefits won’t get off the ground.



Cage fighter drops car claim as insurer lines up video

An Irish MMA fighter who claims he suffered “severe” personal injury following a car accident has withdrawn from a legal dispute over the damages after an insurer prepared a video proving he wasn’t in an injured condition. 



Christie Blatchford: Political power couple goes head-to-head with publishers in court

It ought to be perfectly clear who is on the side of the angels here and who isn’t.

In the corner of goodness and light are Warren and Lisa Kinsella, canny political operatives, fighting against a right-wing, barely literate, cartoonish and altogether queasy-making local newsletter called Your Ward News (YWN).

Insurance cap no solution, says Newfoundland consumer advocate

Dennis Browne says in PUB submission that increased deductible a better way to tackle issue

The province’s consumer advocate says he is against a cap being imposed on compensation for minor injuries sustained in automobile accidents in the province because he believes there will be very little change to insurance rates for consumers, and it will impede victims’ rights to access the court system.


Ontario Medical Association president explains difference between medicinal and recreational cannabis
An Ontario doctor is trying to set the record straight about cannabis in light of a recent poll that shows almost half of Ontario residents are unsure of the difference between recreational and medicinal pot. 

Financial Burdens with Recovery – Part 5

As family and friends start to attend Christmas Parties, bake cookies and shop for gifts, I find myself completely and utterly overwhelmed with medical appointments. While I was in the hospital, I never thought to ask the discharging doctor for a medical note the day I was being discharged and I am now faced with the dreaded task of travelling to see my family doctor. 

Why This 15-Pound Weighted Blanket Is Part of My Anti-Anxiety Routine

Health and wellness touch each of us differently. This is one person’s story.

“You’ll never believe what happened last night,” I told my husband many years ago. “I went to bed and didn’t wake up until 8 a.m.”

Women with disabilities have sex. So why are their sexual health needs often ignored?

Jocelyn Maffin remembers the first conversation about her sexual health as one that happened around her, but not with her —  even though she was in the room with her doctor. 
Female Concussions, Menstrual Cycles, and Periods: FAQs
Concussions can occur from many causes. Car accidents (also referred to as motor vehicle accidents or MVAs), sports, running into something or being hit in the head by an object, assault, and falls are common causes. Of the many symptoms that follow, one aspect is rarely discussed for females: changes to menstrual cycles and periods. It’s something I’ve been working on for some time. 
How to Recognize and Treat a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury After an Accident
A Traumatic Brain Injury or “TBI” occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain (TBI may also be referred to as an Acquired Brain Injury or Intracranial Injury). TBIs can occur as a result of impact to the head or movements that cause the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. TBIs can be caused by car accidents, slip-and-fall injuries or sporting injuries. For example, a car accident victim who did not hit his head may still have suffered a TBI when his body was thrown forward from the force of the collision, and then jerked back by his seatbelt. 
Ngo v. Neves, 2018 ONSC 6168 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hvmwc  

[1]         The scales of justice are typically evenly balanced, demonstrating that when the parties enter a courtroom everyone is playing off an even playing field.  In this case, the Plaintiff complains of numerous injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident which occurred on October 11, 2013.  Amongst the various injuries that will be in dispute at trial is the suggestion that the Plaintiff has suffered an organic concussive brain injury.

[2]         The defence seeks to level the playing field by obtaining a stay of the action until such time as the Plaintiff attends and completes a defence medical examination with a neuropsychologist. 

[18]      I am hearing this motion in my capacity as the case management judge.  While I am dismissing the Defendants’ motion seeking a stay, that does not complete the matter.  This case is close to being ready for trial.  If this matter proceeds to trial, there is a lingering question as to how the Plaintiff will be able to testify given his present medical condition. If the Plaintiff is going to be called as a witness and thereafter subject to cross-examination, one may question how the Plaintiff can submit himself to what undoubtedly will be a period of examination in-chief and cross-examination that would exceed the time required for a neuropsychological assessment.  If the Plaintiff can testify at trial, one can rhetorically question why he cannot attend a neuropsychological assessment.

[19]      These are all concerns at this time that in my view need to be addressed before this case proceeds to trial.  I am therefore ordering that the Plaintiff, through his counsel, makes arrangements for the relevant treating doctor(s) to provide a report(s) that addresses the following issues:

a)   the Plaintiff’s present ability or inability to attend a neuropsychological assessment;

b)   address why the Plaintiff cannot attend a neuropsychological assessment;

c)   when realistically the Plaintiff may be able to attend a neuropsychological assessment;

d)   the Plaintiff’s ability or inability to testify at trial; and

e)   address why the Plaintiff can attend a trial and  not attend a neuropsychological assessment.


Brokers need to intensify lobby on auto file: Intact president

Facing an imminent hard market in auto insurance lines, brokers need to intensify their lobbying efforts to inform Ontario MPPs about the pricing issues associated with the auto insurance product, a senior executive of Canada’s largest insurer told brokers Thursday. 

A Victim of a Distracted Driver, after the crash that nearly killed her – and a hard time in recovery and no outside support- She did something about it. Listen to how she is helping others in their time of need


Rowan’s Law: Precedent Setting for Concussion Awareness

The purpose of Rowan’s Law is to protect young people who play amateur sports or participate in sports through their schools. The law requires mandatory education for teachers, parents and coaches to learn about how to prevent concussions, identify them, and to allow for proper treatment and recovery for those who sustain a head injury. 
Kushnir v. Macari, 2018 ONSC 6128 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hvjwp 

[2]               On October 15, 2014, the plaintiff Slava Kushnir was struck by a car driven by the defendant Jamie Macari as she was walking across an internal access road (the “access road”) at the Kingston Centre. A four week jury trial is scheduled to commence January 7, 2019. Mr. Macari acknowledges that his liability can only be resolved at a trial and did not participate in the motion.[1]

[3]               The claim against CP and Arcturus is based on their alleged breach of the Occupiers’ Liability ActR.S.O. 1990,O.2 (the “OLA”)They admit, for the purposes of the motion, that both were occupiers of the property on the date of the accident but contend that there is no genuine issue for trial as against them because no reasonable jury, properly instructed, could conclude that they breached the OLA. Alternatively, the claim is so weak that, consonant with the culture shift inaugurated by the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Hryniak v. Mauldin 2014 SCC 7 (CanLII), I should grant summary judgment dismissing the action as against them because it would be a fair and just result that will best serve the goals of timeliness, affordability and proportionality.

The law

[19]           Sections 3 (1) and (2) of the OLA provide:

“An occupier of premises owes a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that persons entering on the premises and the property brought on the premises by those persons are reasonably safe while on the premises.”

“The duty of care provided for in subsection (1) applies whether the dangers caused by the condition of the premises or by an activity carried on on the premises.”

[33]           Based on the totality of the evidence, it is a reasonable possibility that a jury could find that the property was unsafe, that its condition caused or contributed to the plaintiff’s injuries and that CP and Arcturus breached the OLA in the circumstances.

[34]           Having reached this conclusion, I turn to the alternative submission that I have the jurisdiction under Hryniak to grant summary judgment if I believe that it is the most timely, affordable and proportionate manner of proceeding in the circumstances. There is much to be said for the bright line approach of MacLeod, J. in Roy and, in a jury case, to grant summary judgment only if no reasonable jury, properly instructed, could find the defendant liable. I would be reluctant to substitute my opinion if I thought that it would be open to a jury to disagree with me.

[35]           I do not have to come to a final determination on this issue because, even if I accepted the alternative submission, I think that a trial is the proper forum for a fair and just resolution of this case. The trial is only three months away and it will not be unduly lengthened or complicated if the trial proceeds against all three defendants. I decline to exercise the expanded fact finding powers under Rule 20.04 because that would inevitably result in an adjournment of the trial which, given the date of the accident and the age of the plaintiff, would not be appropriate.

October 22, 2018

October 19, 2018

Car insurance is in a ‘hard’ market and that means higher rates for everyone

Ontario auto insurance companies hiked their rates by an average of 2.06% last quarter, but brokers and insurers are skeptical that this will be enough to help them keep up with rising claims costs. 

The Legalization of Cannabis in Canada & Personal Injury Law: A Crossroads

October 17, 2018 will go down in history as the day which Canada legalized recreational cannabis (and mark the beginning of the Kwahi Leonard era began for the Toronto Raptors).

Some cheered. Some geered. Many were indifferent.

October 18, 2018

Fair Treatment of Customers: CCIR and FSCO Release Finalized Guidelines


N.L. PCs would reject auto insurance compensation cap: Crosbie

The leader of the Opposition said should Premier Dwight Ball’s government bring in a minor-injury compensation cap for automobile accident victims, it would be repealed if the Tories form the government following the next provincial election scheduled for 2019. 

How Much Car Insurance Do I Really Need? – Third Party Liability

Every mistake has a cost. Small errors may cost you the time it takes to correct them. Perhaps they’ll cause you some embarrassment. It may cost you a bit of money if you need to pay to fix or replace an item you inadvertently damaged. 

Brown: hit-and-run drivers should face ‘harsh criminal penalties’

Non-criminal charges under the provincial Highway Traffic Act for leaving the scene are never appropriate for hit-and-runs, Toronto critical injury lawyer Patrick Brown tells the Toronto Star

Cannabis legalization could result in more car crashes: reports

Two recent studies in the U.S. suggest some states where cannabis is legal have seen more crashes on their roadways. 

Dawne McKay – A Victim of a Distracted Driver, after the crash that nearly killed her – and a hard time in recovery and no outside support- She did something about it. Listen to how she is helping others in their time of need


The Role of Occupational Therapy in Trauma Recovery

Motor vehicle accidents account for countless injuries annually and are one of the most common traumas individuals experience. Trauma can be understood as one’s unique experience of an extremely stressful event or enduring conditions that overwhelms their ability to cope. These experiences can often disconnect us from our sense of safety, resourcefulness, and coping. As a result, survivors of severe and traumatic motor vehicle accidents are at increased risk for experiencing mental health difficulties, with posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety being the most common. 

Huge potential for small device

Roeper, the co-founder and chief executive officer of Penta Medical, holds the laser-therapy device that helps athletes recover from injuries as she talks about the startup’s progress during the past two years. 

Ontario tech CEOs ask Doug Ford to reinstate basic income pilot

Two technology industry CEOs that are also on the board of directors for the Basic Income Canada Network have co-authored a letter asking Ontario Premier Doug Ford to reinstate a basic income pilot program that was scrapped in the summer. 

October 17, 2018

How insurers respond to proposed ban on territorial ratings

Calls this week for a ban on territorial ratings in auto insurance, by politicians from across the political spectrum, shows that Ontario needs to change its rate filing system, an Insurance Bureau of Canada spokesperson said. 

Lawyer misappropriation of funds fuelling disbarments in B.C.

The Law Society of British Columbia has disbarred four lawyers in 2018 with the majority dealing with misappropriation of funds.

The Legalities Around Accidents and Running Yellow Lights

Running a yellow light can be illegal. This type of behavior is governed by s.144(15) of the Highway Traffic Act. It reads: 

Spinal Cord Injuries: How To Fund Your Care And Understand The Legal Labyrinth

I am reminded on a daily basis just how precious a commodity is good health, how easy it is to take it for granted, and how devastating it can be once it is lost, but the talk I gave at Parkwood Hospital on October 15, 2018 – part of the Peer Connection series organized by Spinal Cord Injury – Ontario (SCIO) and sponsored by Lerners – was a particularly acute reminder to me. 

October 16, 2018

Proposed Ontario bills oppose “discriminatory” premium pricing

Two separate bills have been established that aim to prevent auto insurance companies in Ontario from setting insurance premiums based on drivers’ addresses. 

Car insurance prices rising in Ontario for fourth-straight quarter; up 2.06% in Q3

A total of 20 auto insurance companies in Ontario will be hiking their rates, according to rate approval data from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO). Based on premium volume, the 20 companies account for about half of the auto insurance market in the province. 

NDP and Tory MPPs make renewed call for lower insurance rates in Brampton

High auto insurance rates in Brampton are uniting two government parties to take action. On Monday, New Democrat MPP Gurratan Singh, who represents Brampton East, and Progressive Conservative MPP Parm Gill, who represents Milton, each spoke about introducing separate private member’s bills that would seek to lower insurance rates in the Flower City. 

SLAPP Fight! – Ontario Court of Appeal Clarifies SLAPP Legislation

Platnick is a doctor who is often employed by insurance companies to prepare and review medical assessments in the context of personal injury disputes. Bent is a leading personal injury lawyer.

Five key steps to take if you are a pedestrian injured by a car

If you are a pedestrian who has been hit by a car, there are important steps to take to get the treatment you need, receive accident benefits you deserve and build a strong case, Toronto plaintiff personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger tells AdvocateDaily.com

Life is changed forever

All this changed on a cold November night in 2016. Life was turned upside down. Literally. My vehicle had been t-boned and we ended up flipped over on its side. I was trapped. Everything as I knew it had changed forever. 

Ontario Health Coalition


Tips for Coping with Sleep Disturbance

In my work with patients recovering from auto accident trauma, a frequent problem patients report is sleep disturbance due to racing thoughts that play over and over in their minds. 

October 15, 2018

Aviva Canada reveals claims stats to debunk ‘misconception’ of greed

“People have the mistaken impression that we fight paying most claims, when the data shows the opposite is true,” said Bryant Vernon, chief claims officer at Aviva Canada. “The vast majority of claims we receive from our customers – 98% in fact – are paid by Aviva 

Standard of review highlighted in Court of Appeal’s move to uphold arbitrator’s decision

In Ontario (Minister of Finance) v. Elite Insurance Company 2018 ONCA 809, the court heard that the dispute between the appellant, Elite Insurance Company (Elite), and the respondent, the Minister of Finance which funds the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (the Fund), arose from an argument over insurance priority when a claimant was struck by an uninsured vehicle. 

What you probably don’t know about pot and your auto insurance

Recreational marijuana is going to become legal on Wednesday, and concern is growing about people driving while impaired. 

Personal injury implications of weed and impaired driving

With cannabis legalization just around the corner, Toronto personal injury lawyer Jasmine Daya says impaired driving rates and social and commercial host liability will likely be impacted — at least on a short- to medium-term basis as people adjust to the new normal.


Why do hit-and-run drivers flee? For some, it’s panic. Others, a lack of remorse, experts say

Fred Ansaldo never saw the driver who hit him coming. He was riding a Bikeshare bicycle on Front St. W. a few days before Christmas in 2016 when he suddenly felt something strike his back wheel. 

Internal Transport Canada study showed school buses ‘failed’ safety tests

A 2010 Transport Canada report that revealed that school buses “failed” safety tests and did not do enough to prevent “serious injuries” was kept hidden from the public, The Fifth Estate has learned. 

HPAP Press Conference – Ontario Healthcare Providers Open Letter

Ismail v. Fleming, 2018 ONSC 5978 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hvgsv  

[10]           In similarly broad terms, the position of the plaintiff was as follows:

•        Plaintiff counsel emphasized their general discretion to present the plaintiff’s case in the manner plaintiff counsel considers advisable, and in this particular case, plaintiff counsel thinks it best to lead with testimony from a health care practitioner, (presented as a fact witness and participating or treating expert, as opposed to a litigation expert), who can speak knowledgably about chronic pain, and treatment of the plaintiff’s perceived chronic pain, before the plaintiff herself testifies.

•        In particular, plaintiff counsel is concerned that, if the jury was presented with the plaintiff’s testimony in a vacuum, prior to hearing any other testimony clarifying the nature of chronic pain, and receiving any instruction from the court as to the nature, realities and corresponding legitimacy of chronic pain confirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada in Nova Scotia (W.C.B.) v. Martin2003 SCC 54 (CanLII)[2003] 2 S.C.R. 504, jurors might unfairly form a negative impression of the plaintiff based simply on the absence of ongoing organic/objective injuries.  If that should happen, plaintiff counsel says it not only may be difficult to overcome that initial negative impression, (e.g., through subsequent evidence and instructions providing the jury with further information and education after the plaintiff has testified), but that subsequent plaintiff witnesses unfairly may be perceived by the jury in the same negative manner.  In the circumstances, plaintiff counsel would have preferred to lead with the anticipated testimony of Dr Ogilvie-Harris, (an orthopaedic surgeon with apparent expertise in relation to chronic pain and chronic pain syndrome), or the testimony of another physician, but Ms Gilbert was the only health care practitioner available to testify during the first scheduled week of trial.      

•        As a “participating expert” rather than a “litigation expert”, the testimony of Ms Gilbert concerning her findings, conclusions and recommendations would not really be contingent on the plaintiff’s testimony at trial, and Ms Gilbert was capable of providing a helpful overview as to the manner in which the plaintiff may have been referred to other health care providers.

•        In the submissions of plaintiff counsel, allowing the plaintiff to call one witness in advance of the plaintiff herself was a relatively modest concession to the plaintiff’s general entitlement to present her case in the manner the plaintiff thought best.