• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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September 12, 2018

8 More Things You (Probably) Don’t Know About Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Lawsuits in Ontario

Each year thousands of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are injured in motor vehicle accidents in Ontario. Many never fully recover from their injuries and are left to deal with pain, limitations, medical and rehabilitation expenses and loss of income.

LAT Decision – Shane Minty vs. Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund


Sun Life ‘deceitfully’ concealed ‘sales misrepresentations’ about life insurance policies, customers allege

While the court battle was unfolding, Sun Life continued to administer the plans, charging increasing premiums to hundreds of thousands of Canadians while “deceitfully” concealing “its knowledge that systematic sales misrepresentations had occurred,” according to allegations filed in a long-running lawsuit brought by angry customers against Sun Life.
Disclosure of Harm – Preliminary Consultation – CPSO
The College is currently reviewing its Disclosure of Harm policy, which sets out the expectations of physicians in situations where a patient has experienced harm in the course of medical treatment. We are inviting feedback at this preliminary stage to help inform our review of the policy.

Canada: Attendant Care Benefits – Family Members & Professional Health Care Designations 

Careful analysis of relevant case law dealing with family members claiming attendant care benefits pursuant to s. 3(7)(e)(iii)(A) of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule [“Schedule“] indicates that there are numerous factors to consider when determining eligibility. This case law examines whether a professional health care provider that is also a family member of the claimant (i) worked in that capacity at some point prior to the subject accident or at the time the attendant care services were provided; OR (ii) if not, he or she actively sought employment in that capacity at the time of the accident or at the time the services were provided.1 In addition, this case law reviews this family member’s professional designation and credentials prior to determining whether the attendant care benefits are payable. 

IBC poll reveals “high level of public frustration” over NL’s auto insurance

The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) has released the results of its latest poll, which found that many consumers in Newfoundland and Labrador believe they are paying too much for car insurance. 

September 11, 2018

September 10, 2018


September 7, 2018

Regulation suppressing required auto insurance rate increases

Some Canadian auto insurers would hike rates even further if provincial bureaucrats would let them, a New Jersey-based analyst said Wednesday at A.M. Best’s 2018 Insurance Market Briefing-Canada in Toronto. 

Suing your lawyer not a do-it-yourself affair

In 2006, a woman was injured in a car accident. Subsequently, she retained a lawyer to pursue damages against the driver of the vehicle. The lawyer handled her car accident case through the pre-trial conference, at which time he elicited a settlement offer from the defendant for $125,000, all-inclusive. The plaintiff accepted the offer and signed a release. 
When I’m in the right lane on the highway, cars in the left lane often just kind of lurk there beside me. They’ll match my speed and, if there are other cars in the right lane, I end up boxed in. Shouldn’t they be passing me? – Suresh, Ottawa 

Anatomy of a Trial

“When you are cross-examining an expert witness, you are never going to be able to outsmart them in their own field.” This is a key bit of insight Jocelyn Tatebe, of Dutton Brock LLP, took away from Anatomy of a Trial, a two-day program featuring presentations, demonstrations and interactive dialogue pertaining to all aspects of the trial process, hosted by the OBA’s Insurance Law Section on May 10 and 11. 

Inequality and Discrimination in the Justice System

Of the most important life lessons I have learned in the last 35 years, many have been about recognizing inequality and powerlessness.

Growing up in a rural island community that presented as 100% white, Christian, and heterosexual, I was unaware of anyone from a different religious or ethnic group, or a different sexual identity, until I went to university – where in 1976, there was just one black student on the campus.


Proposed insurance changes will leave 2/3 of B.C. drivers ‘better off’: ICBC

The president of ICBC says two-thirds of drivers will be “better off” than they are today with proposed auto insurance changes expected to take effect in September 2019. But if you want to know how these changes are going to affect you personally, he says, you’re going to have to wait. 

September 6, 2018

September 5, 2018

Ontario to stiffen penalties for dangerous driving and endangering pedestrians
The Ontario government is introducing a new charge for careless driving and will stiffen penalties for existing dangerous driving charges starting next month.



State Farm Agrees to Pay $250 Million, Avoids Racketeering Trial

State Farm agreed to pay $250 million on the brink of a trial to customers who claimed the company tried to rig the Illinois justice system to wipe out a $1 billion jury verdict from 19 years ago.


IBC’s proposal to prevent carriers from exiting this province’s auto market

Insurers in Newfoundland and Labrador are calling on politicians to make structural changes to the province’s auto insurance system, saying their recommendations would better align the province’s auto premiums with those elsewhere in the Atlantic region.  

New concussion guidelines for U.S. kids could change practices worldwide

The guidelines, initiated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and released Tuesday, include recommendations on the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of mild concussions in children.  

Canadian patients search for dignity, freedom in self-directed care


Self-Directed Personal Support Services Ontario Update

Today, the Ministry announced it is winding down the Self-Directed Personal Support Services Ontario agency to reduce the administrative burden of delivering home care. Taxpayer savings will be redirected to patient care. 



Ontario’s Government for the People Announces Compassionate Wind Down of Basic Income Research Project

Ontario’s Government for the People announced today that the Basic Income research project will wind down at the end of the fiscal year.  



Ottawa doctor charged with sexual assault

Dr. Richard Nahas, 44, charged Thursday after alleged incident in November 2016


September 4, 2018

Ontario man faces $1.6 million lawsuit for neighbour’s slip-and-fall accident

Ontario’s auto insurance brokers ‘leaving themselves open to exposure’

Auto insurance in Ontario is the headache that keeps on pounding.

Auto Insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador: Working toward a solution for all drivers

This week, the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (PUB) resumes hearings in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), as requested by the NL government. The purpose of these hearings is to review and report on a number of issues regarding auto insurance, including the reasons behind increasing claims costs and options to reduce costs.

Insurer CEO to personally visit FSCO asking for higher rates

The newly-elected Ontario government should let carriers change their rates without approval from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, the president of a mutual that writes auto contends.

August 30, 2018

August 27, 2018

Can I Say “I’m Sorry” For An Accident?

You’re driving your car through an intersection on a green light. A bicyclist going the opposite way makes a sudden left turn across your path. You hit the brakes but can’t avoid the collision. The cyclist is knocked to the ground. You get out of your car and rush over to the cyclist. He’s obviously hurt. You feel badly. You blurt out, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you. Are you alright?” 


The Law Society of Ontario says that lawyer Jeremy Diamond’s marketing is contrary to the Professional Rules of Conduct, according to a Law Society Tribunal “Notice of Application” filed Aug. 15. 

When parents give their kids permission to drive: the limit to ‘implied consent’

An Ontario auto insurer went too far in arguing that a motorist gave her son – whose license was suspended – implied permission to drive her vehicle because she left the keys on a hook while she was out of town. 

Tow referral fee rules ‘hard to monitor and enforce,’ insurer warns

Auto insurance providers should remind motorists that in the event of an accident, it is usually the driver – not the tow truck operator – who decides where the car gets towed. 

Detroit mayor files suit against state over ‘exorbitant’ no-fault insurance rates

It seeks to have the state’s no-fault auto insurance law declared unconstitutional and then give the governor and Legislature six months to revise the law. If state leaders cannot find a solution, a judge should strike the no-fault law and order a return to a common-law tort system. 

How the Ontario Disability Support Program makes falling in love a challenging proposition

When Tim and Natalie Rose first moved in together, they had no idea that doing so would cause them to lose their income and leave them thousands of dollars in debt.

But that can be the reality for many couples when one or both partners receive assistance from the Ontario Disability Support Program, or ODSP.


Can I split my ex’s disability CPP and insurance settlement?

Q: My ex-husband and I are separated but still legally married. He is 37 years old and was just approved for CPP Disability. He also received a lump sum for back pay CPP disability payments. If I apply for the pension/CPP credit split do I get back pay in a lump sum now too.? I’m receiving Ontario Disability Support Payments. 

Financial and recovery worry one year after traumatic injury: A prognostic, registry-based cohort study

Levels of stress post-injury, especially after compensable injury, are known to be associated with worse long-term recovery. It is therefore important to identify how, and in whom, worry and stress manifest post-injury.  

August 23, 2018

Auto fraud getting worse, insurer says

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation (MPI) is reporting an increase in auto insurance fraud, including false claims for income replacement benefits. 

MPI cracks down on insurance fraud

Toronto, Ontario – August 20, 2018 — Manitoba public insurance (MPI) is tightening up its security measures when it comes to insurance fraud, hoping it will result in lower insurance premiums, as reported by the Manitoba Sun.  

Canada: Auto Insurance Primer Part 4: Optional Benefits

Standard accident benefits ensure all Ontarians have a minimum amount of insurance coverage to protect them in the event of a car accident. However, changes to these limits in 2016 reduced these minimum levels greatly. In this final entry of our 4-part mini-blog series on auto insurance, we’ll suggest why purchasing additional optional benefits is a cost-effective way to keep you and your loved ones safe in the event of an accident. 

Aviva Canada’s plan to decrease its exposure in Ontario auto

Aviva Canada is diversifying its portfolio of business to avoid exposure to deteriorating conditions in Ontario’s auto insurance market. 

Public Interest Regulation: Governance Reform at the Law Society of Ontario 

The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) has launched a call for comments on potential governance reforms. Reform is long overdue. The governance of the LSO is archaic and in no way approximates the structure of a modern, effective board. To its credit, the LSO appears to recognize the problem and is attempting to move towards modernizing its governance. 

‘It doesn’t heal as quickly as the bones’: trauma survivors group offers peer support

TORONTO — Wednesday marks one month since a gunman went on a shooting rampage on a bustling street in Toronto’s Greektown, leaving two dead and 13 injured. Yet for these survivors, the trauma related to that night of violence may go far beyond their physical injuries. 

New Fitness to Drive Reporting Requirements

As a result of over 20 years of advocacy, the Highway Traffic Act was amended to provide more specifics around the types of medical conditions and impairments that are considered mandatory to report when assessing and reporting a patient’s fitness to drive.  Correspondingly, the Ministry of Transportation’s (MTO) Medical Condition Report form was  updated on July 1, 2018 to reflect this additional level of detail. 

Common Myths About Long-Term Disability

Long-term disability is an option for some people. However, do you really know what it is? When many people think of long-term disability insurance, they often think of this as a supplementary type of insurance that they do not need. While we hope that this is something that a person never has to use, the reality is that many people end up needing to use LTD through no fault of their own. 

Post-Concussion Syndrome and Disability Claims

Most people associate concussions with contact sports or combat, but a concussion could also occur as a result of a car accident, bicycle accident, slip and fall or an event that causes a blow t the head or violent shaking or movement of the head.

SALMAN v. IPACS, 2018 ONSC 4803 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/htdb0

[1]               The plaintiff’s action against the defendants is for damages for alleged lawyer’s negligence arising out of a settlement negotiated by the defendant, Robert Ipacs (“Ipacs”), of the plaintiff’s tort claim for injuries resulting from a motor vehicle accident. The settlement was agreed to by the plaintiff at a pre-trial on February 8, 2012.

[2]               In her Amended Fresh as Amended Statement of Claim the plaintiff alleged that her interests were severely compromised by Ipacs’ negligent handling of her tort claim and his handling of the assessment of the final account of her previous lawyer Shawn Patey (“Patey”). Among the particulars of negligence pleaded in the statement of claim, the plaintiff alleged that Iapacs:

(a)           failed to give her proper legal advice and instruct her on the possible consequences of accepting the offer of settlement of the tort claim;

(b)         rashly advising the plaintiff to accept the tort claim offer when he knew or ought to have known that the offer was not adequate compensation for her injury, nor adequate to sustain her for the rest of her life; and

(c)           being an incompetent legal advisor lacking in reasonable skill and experience such that he ought not to have been rendering legal advice.

[3]               The defendants have brought a motion for summary judgment pursuant to rule 20 of the Rules of Civil Procedure dismissing the plaintiff’s action against them.


[4]               The plaintiff was involved in a motor vehicle accident on June 3, 2006 (the “accident”). The plaintiff initially retained a paralegal, Paula Stamp (“Stamp”), to handle her accident benefits claim arising from the accident. However the plaintiff retained Patey sometime in 2008 to assume carriage of the accident benefits claim following denials by the accident benefits insurer.