• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Re “Grits crash and burn” (James Wallace, April 16): Insurers have been telling government for years that Ontario drivers pay too much for auto insurance. And we have worked with the government on ways to reduce rates.

Is the Law Society of Ontario Still Donating to Political Parties?

At the time, the Law Society explained, in part, that “[c]ontributions are only made through the purchase of tickets to attend events hosted by the parties and/or elected politicians” and that “[t]he Law Society’s goal in participating in these events is to advance the knowledge of the government and the opposition regarding the agenda of the regulator and justice issues more broadly.”


Were injuries caused by this accident? Applicant and TD LAT 17-003356 2018 CanLII 8082

ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS: applicant argues that by approving initial treatment plans TD acknowledges the accident caused medical issues; insurer argues the medical conditions were caused by previous accidents;


Minor-injury cap causes controversy in Newfoundland and Labrador

The province’s automobile insurance review is attracting a number of submissions on how the system may be improved to bring down rates and provide more stability in the industry.

One of the latest to state their case is Intact Financial Corp., which operates in Newfoundland and Labrador through three brands: Anthony Insurance, Intact Insurance, and Macdonald Chisholm Trask Insurance.


The Canadian Human Rights Commission’s 2017 Annual Report to Parliament


EDITORIAL: Basic income legislation needs some work

In Halifax this weekend, the federal Liberal convention will vote on a resolution to introduce a guaranteed basic income in Canada, a concept that Ontario began testing at the provincial level last year.

A GBI resolution is a long way from a real program. But it’s worth examining early what we need to know about it.


EDITORIAL: Liberal election platform already failing Ontarians

The problem with cooking up pre-election promises you have neither the money nor intention of keeping is those promises rapidly fall apart after the election.

Kathleen Wynne’s broken promise in 2013 to cut auto premiums by 15% or Dalton McGuinty’s 2003 broken promise to cut rates by 10%, by way of example.


Take Notice: There is no time for Notice

As Ontario’s auto insurance industry was waiting anxiously, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released an interesting decision on priority dispute notices to claimants.

In Dominion v. Unifund, an accident benefits claimant was not notified of the priority dispute between the insurers until after arbitration proceedings had been commenced. The issue was whether the late notice to the claimant precluded the appellant from contesting its liability to pay SABS and from proceeding with the arbitration.


The truck driver who nearly killed me got away with a $125 fine

On a sunny Saturday last October, I set out for a 120-kilometre bicycle ride from just north of Toronto to meet my fiancée and the rest of my cycling team near Midland, Ont. I have been a competitive cyclist since the age of 14, so this was a typical recreational ride for me. To avoid the danger of faster-moving traffic on highways and arterial roads, I had carefully planned a route that was mostly on quiet country roads. But despite my best efforts, I could not have predicted or prevented the tragic crash that was about to occur.


Is Car Insurance About to Get Cheaper in Brampton?

It’s no secret that Brampton is notorious for having sky-high car insurance rates. In fact, we have the highest car insurance rates in Ontario. Now, Ontario drivers could see car insurance rates start to cool down.
