• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Poll shows Ontario voters care about biking issues, advocates say

As bike advocates from across Ontario gather in Toronto this week, some are eyeing the upcoming provincial vote with the hope of making cycling an election issue.

Ahead of the Ontario Bike Summit, which kicks off in Toronto on Monday, the Share the Road Cycling Coalition has released polling data that it says shows voters want the government to step up investment in bike infrastructure and programming.


CMPA:  Scorched Earth Tactics

The Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) describes itself as a “mutual defence organization” for doctors. The CMPA defends doctors who are sued in civil court for medical negligence. With equal vigor, the CMPA defends doctors charged under the Criminal Code for wrongful acts ranging from over-billing to felony crimes.

Memory and Brain Injury

“Memory” is your brain taking in, keeping, recalling, and using information. A brain injury can affect any of these areas of memory. A brain injury can also make it hard to learn and remember things.


FSCO Rate Filings – Profit Transparency Lacking!

Today, or sometime early next week, Ontario’s auto insurance regulator, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, FSCO, will post the latest update on Ontario’s auto insurance rates and the extent to which insurance companies continue to charge more.


FSCO Releases Bring Great Relief to Accident Benefits Industry

On April 11, 2018, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released a revised Attendant Care Hourly Rate Guideline and a clarification as related to the Professional Services Fee Guideline. These releases bring great relief to the accident benefits industry at large.


Too Many Are Dying on Our Streets

Hundreds of concerned citizens recently staged a rally at Toronto City Hall to protest the number of cyclists and pedestrians being killed or maimed by cars across the City. Shockingly, 16 people have been killed by cars on our streets since Jan. 1. 2018. The year is only 3 months old and the cycling season has not even truly started – a grim beginning.


Tips for clinicians dealing with insurance company requests

Clinicians must take care when answering requests for patient information from insurance companies, Toronto health lawyer Kate Dewhirst tells AdvocateDaily.com.

Dewhirst, principal of Kate Dewhirst Health Law, says medical practitioners can be knocked out of their comfort zones when records requests come in regarding disability insurance, life insurance or other policies triggered by a health event, due to the huge impact coverage decisions can have on patients’ lives.


‘Distracted driving should be the new drunk driving’ says Aviva International CEO

Motorists in Canada get a tough deal. Auto insurance rates have spiralled across multiple provinces in recent years and the rapid inflation of rates don’t look like disappearing any time soon.


Tips for Healing After A Collision

The physical trauma of a collision can cause severe injuries that prevent normal daily activities. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can take weeks or months to recover. It is crucial to listen to your body and allow yourself time to heal before returning to strenuous activity.  Returning immediately to your regular routine too quickly could possibly trigger a relapse.


N.S. court strikes down human rights decision over prescription use of medical marijuana

The Nova Scotia Court of Appeal has overturned a provincial human rights board decision that said an injured man’s legally prescribed medical marijuana must be covered by his union insurance plan, marking a significant setback for cannabis advocates.
