• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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The Courts Strike Back Against Insurer Tactics

Recently we have seen a trend towards intolerance by the Courts of insurers’ tactics. In the case of Persampieri v. Hobbs et al., an 84 year old plaintiff brought an action for injuries as a result of being rear-ended in a motor vehicle collision. The Defendant admitted liability but had explained that this claim was in the Insurer’s Defensible Program and that the only offer to settle would be $0.00. The decision of the Defendant to not engage in meaningful settlement negotiations forced the plaintiff to proceed to Trial by Jury.


Supreme Court won’t hear coffee spill accident benefits case

The Supreme Court of Canada will not hear an appeal from an Ontario auto insurer over a motorist who claimed accident benefits coverage after being scalded by hot coffee in a stationary car.


Doctors and Ethics in the Personal Injury World

Both personal injury lawyers and insurance companies rely on the expertise of medical professionals in building their cases. For personal injury lawyers the focus is on accessing the benefits that their clients are entitled to after an accident to make certain they recover fully from their injuries, and to allow them to live a normal life. The focus of insurance companies is obviously different. Their focus is to pay out what they perceive to be the appropriate settlement under their policies.


Ontario says tribunals should not be as open as courts

Ontario’s quasi-judicial tribunals are not courts and should not be subject to the same principles of openness when it comes to their records, the province argued in a court filing Thursday.


Lawyer charges grieving family thousands for time spent responding to complaint against him

A grieving daughter was blindsided when the lawyer hired to settle her father’s estate charged thousands of dollars for time he spent responding to a complaint the family filed against him.


Arbitrator Requires Insurer to Pay for CAT Assessment out of Fairness -Hassani and Guarantee

Lara Hassani  was injured in a car accident on July 1, 2011.  She applied for and received statutory accident benefits from Guarantee however when the parties were unable to resolve their disputes through mediation, and Ms. Hassani applied for arbitration at the FSCO.


OMA Brings Awareness to Wait Times Crisis in New Campaign

Ontario’s doctors are launching an advertising campaign highlighting the crisis in patient wait times ahead of the June provincial election.

“Not a Second Longer,” (notasecondlonger.ca) the radio and digital campaign which begins on March 19th, demonstrates the repercussions of the poor decisions made by Ontario’s provincial government. Ontario Medical Association President Dr. Shawn Whatley says that health care should be front and centre this spring, and for many voters across the province, it will be their number one issue.


Why Aren’t We Talking More About Women With Concussions?

A bop in the head here, a blow to the knee there – getting knocked with balls, sticks and body parts was par for the course for Natalie Katz, a high school lacrosse player in New York City. So when Katz was nailed in the head with a metal lacrosse stick during a game her sophomore year, she kept playing.


Law Society looking for public input

What do you think about CFAs? 

Comments may be submitted by March 20, 2018 at:

lso.ca/advertising-fee-arrange ments

Canadians paying more than $2 billion for auto insurance fraud: Aviva

Canadians are on the hook for over $2 billion each year thanks to auto insurance fraud. This discovery comes courtesy of a new Aviva investigation designed to determine the impact of auto repair fraud on insurance consumers highlights the urgent need to reform the auto insurance system.

http://www.canindia.com/ canadians-paying-more-than-2- billion-for-auto-insurance- fraud-aviva/