• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Seeing is believing: civil litigation in the surveillance age

New technologies have made it easier than ever to capture a collision in real time, however, given the sheer volume of digital evidence new practices and laws are required, Toronto critical injury lawyer Patrick Brown writes in The Lawyer’s Daily.


Checking a claimant’s auto case evidence? Ask for the LTD discovery transcript

An insurer in an accident benefits case has obtained a court order requiring a claimant to turn over the discovery transcript in a related long-term disability (LTD) claim arising from the same accident.


Province launches new personal support worker registry

The province has launched a new registry to track personal support workers, in what some experts are calling a move to create more regulation for one of Ontario’s largest groups of frontline healthcare providers.


Home care agencies sue Ontario over Wynne government plan

Home care patients will be put at risk by the Wynne government’s move to create a new provincial agency, claims a lawsuit by 11 publicly funded home-care providers.


Your letters: Ontario must improve social-assistance rates for all

First, the pilot shows that providing more income to people living in poverty has a positive impact in their lives.

This is no surprise. Countless studies demonstrate the connection between income and a variety of health and well-being indicators.


Blood Test Developed to Detect Concussion

There was some exciting news earlier this month when the FDA approved a new blood test which can detect concussions. This is great news as it will eventually allow the faster and more accurate diagnosis of the presence of concussion, and it will avoid exposing injured individuals to unnecessary radiation from brain scans.


MARIN: Misconduct in Ontario AG’s office demands scrutiny

While the Progressive Conservatives appear stuck in endless mayhem, Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government has been laying low and presumably enjoying the spectacle despite the PCs soaring even higher in the polls.


RSA Canada joins chorus of insurers seeking auto rate increases

Distracted driving and the cost of repairing vehicles equipped with the latest technology are among the reasons RSA Canada is looking to increase auto insurance rates across Canada.


Hot coffee scalds your client in a drive-through. Is that an auto “accident”?

Ontario auto insurance policies will have to cover a much wider scope of risk if the Supreme Court of Canada does not overturn a recent court ruling against Aviva Canada, Aviva’s lawyer argues.


Justice Brown says judges risk being displaced by arbitrators and algorithms

Lawyers and judges may soon find themselves replaced by technology if they don’t quickly adopt that very same technology.
