• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Dr. Nancy Whitmore to Join CPSO as Registrar/CEO

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is pleased to announce that following an extensive search, Dr. Nancy Whitmore has been selected as the College’s next Registrar/CEO. Dr. Whitmore is a recognized health care leader who is widely respected for her management expertise, integrity and clinical abilities.


Impatient insight. 5 tips on building tolerance after brain injury.

“Good things come to those who wait”, that’s what my Mum always told me, amongst other things. Those wise words helped me to grow up to be a respectful and patient person. Even if someone was really pushing my buttons, I was strong enough to soak it up and not give them the pleasure of seeing me crack. (Most of the time.) Following my accident, I am still more impatient than I used to be. But I am building my internal strength again and thought I would share how with you all.


“So You Think You’re Covered! The Insurance Industry Rip-Off”

written by accident victim Jokelee Vanderkop exposes the well-entrenched default denial setting within the auto insurance industry against

injured motor vehicle accident victims while outlining how the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) and the Ontario government are complicit. Far too often, insurers make legitimate claimants endure dozens of insurer medical examinations (IMEs), downplay the diagnoses of claimants’ own physicians and delay treatment and income replacement for years. The insurer catchword is fraud but much of the fraud is perpetrated by insurers themselves against legitimate claimants in order to pay the least amount of accident benefits to which a claimant is entitled.


This book serves as a comprehensive resource tool. Besides exposing the pitfalls that accident victims face, it outlines what the various

IMEs entail. A good lawyer is necessary. There too the book provides caveats because too many lawyers are more focussed on billing than

their clients despite so-called contingency fees stating they don’t get paid unless they win.


The book also talks about the inevitable depression that claimants undergo in this insurance fight and provides coping strategies.


The book is available at www.deniedbenefitclaims.com FAIR members can buy the book for $14.99 plus shipping rather than $25 plus shipping by emailing deniedbenefitclaims@gmail.com to make the arrangements.

Auto insurance rates have skyrocketed — and in ways that are wildly unfair

Auto insurance rates have increased at more than twice the rate of inflation recently, with premiums hitting a national average of $1,427, an online marketplace has found.


What your lawyer and auto/disability insurer claims advisor will never tell you

“So You Think You’re Covered! The Insurance Industry Rip-Off”  written
by accident victim Jokelee Vanderkop exposes the well-entrenched
default denial setting within the auto insurance industry against
injured motor vehicle accident victims while outlining how the
Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) and the Ontario government are


The Persampieri MVA Case: A Win for the Underdog

We all love a good David vs. Goliath story. You know, the one from Samuel in the Bible, where a little shepherd boy David has nothing but a sling shot and rock in his battle against the nine-foot soldier Goliath, but still manages to hit him in the head and win the battle?  Score one for the underdog, the little guy…


Time to stop gambling with civil jury impartiality

If civil juries are to continue in this age, there must be checks and balances surrounding bias and impartiality, Toronto critical injury lawyer Patrick Brown writes in The Lawyer’s Daily.

“What happens at the end of a jury case would not matter so much if we ensured that jurors were screened for bias at the beginning. Unfortunately, in Ontario and other Canadian jurisdictions, we have no real mechanism to do that,” writes Brown, a partner with McLeish Orlando LLP.


Can an Applicant Claim Special Awards in a LAT Application?


Seeing is believing: Litigation in the age of surveillance

With the advent of new technology from dashboard cameras to iPhones, it has become easier to capture a collision unfolding right before our eyes.


Look for ICBC to ‘behave more like a private sector company’: IBC

With its cap on minor injury awards announced Tuesday, British Columbia’s government monopoly auto insurer is moving towards a model used by other provinces that have private auto insurance systems, Insurance Bureau of Canada says.
