• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Insurer required to provide Coverage to Driver who forgot to renew her Licence

In Ontario, a driver must renew their driver’s licence every five years on their birthday.  Driving without a proper licence, which includes driving with an expired licence, is an offence in Ontario, and carries a fine of between $200-$1000 and the offender’s vehicle may be impounded for 7 days.

https://www.ilolaw.ca/ blogpost/insurer-required-to- provide-coverage-to-driver- who-forgot-to-renew-her- licence

Ontario family launches Charter challenge to Quebec’s no-fault system

The family of an Ontario woman who died in a two-car crash just south of Montreal in April in a head-on collision is seeking $4 million in punitive damages from Quebec’s transportation ministry.

http://www.canadianlawyermag. com/legalfeeds/author/mark- cardwell/ontario-family- launches-charter-challenge-to- quebecs-no-fault-system-15115/

Rough ride for victims of coffee-spill burns unjustified

People suffering from hot beverage burns at fast-food establishments are sometimes unfairly maligned in the media, Kitchener litigation lawyer Graham Bennetttells AdvocateDaily.com .

http://www.advocatedaily.com/g raham-bennett-rough-ride-for-v ictims-of-coffee-spill-burns-u njustified.html

Driver convicted of failing to yield awarded $151,000 in legal costs

A driver convicted of failing to yield the right of way after turning into the path of a different vehicle has nonetheless collected $30,000 from the other motorist and was awarded an additional $151,000 in legal costs.

https://www.canadianunderwrite r.ca/insurance/driver- convicted-failing-yield- awarded-151000-legal-costs- 1004125299/?utm_source=dlvr. it&utm_medium=twitter

Should you really need a license or insurance to ride your bike?

In a recent survey taken by the “Campaign Research Poll” of 506 Toronto voters found that 60% of them wanted cyclists to be licensed and insured. 57% of those surveyed also wanted the City of Toronto to have more bike lanes.

This poll raised significant debate for motorists, cyclists and politicians. Personal Injury Lawyers and insurers got involved as well (as they should).

https://www.huffingtonpost.com /entry/should-you-really-need- a-license-or-insurance-to- ride_us_5a380a26e4b0cebf48e9f6 08?utm_content=bufferdcbdd& utm_medium=social&utm_source=t witter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

How Will my Personal Injury Settlement Affect my Family Law Separation or Divorce?

When a personal injury matter settles, there are two primary ways the settlement can be paid out for an adult claimant: a lump sum cash payment, or a structured settlement.

A structured settlement is created when some or all of a personal injury settlement is deposited with a life insurance company in exchange for guaranteed tax-free payments for a specific number of years or for the recipient’s lifetime. While it is common to structure the payments on a monthly basis, the structure can also include periodic lump sums, which are also received tax-free.

https://www.siskinds.com/perso nal-injury-family-law/

20 Things You Should Know About People With Chronic Pain During the Holidays

The festivities of the holiday season aren’t always as joyful for people with chronic pain as they are for others. Energy and pain levels don’t become more manageable simply because it’s December — in fact, hallmarks of the holiday season like social events, shopping, cooking, entertaining and travel can make chronic pain even worse. Add in pressure from friends and family to participate and questions about health, and this time of year can be extra hard on chronic pain patients.

https://themighty.com/2016/12/ what-to-know-about-chronic-pai n-during-the-holidays/

Half A Million People Used Food Banks in Ontario Last Year

In this season of gifts, feasting and abundance, it can be easy to forget the many people in our communities who are facing empty cupboards and are struggling to make ends meet. Yet, as the Ontario Association of Food Banks revealed in our 2017 Hunger Report, this past year there were nearly half a million Ontarians who turned to a food bank for support. Even though Ontario has Canada’s largest and fastest-growing economy, so many of our neighbours are being left behind.

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/o ntario-association-of-food-ban ks/half-a-million-people-used- food-banks-in-ontario-last- year_a_23308971/

GUEST COLUMN: Paying what’s fair

A controversial arbitration decision has encouraged various automobile insurers throughout Ontario to deny necessary care and supervision services to the most seriously injured motorists.

http://torontosun.com/opinion/ columnists/guest-column- paying-whats-fair

Trial lawyers doubt standard treatment plans will help auto insurers

Ontario’s call for standard treatment plans in auto accident benefits might well do the opposite of what was intended — increase claims disputes and provide no benefit to insurers, personal injury lawyers say.

In his Fair Auto Insurance Plan, released Dec. 5, Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa “basically put out a bunch of bullet points,” personal injury lawyer David Preszler said Thursday in an interview. “The devil is all in the details, and we do not know what the details are yet.”

https://www. canadianunderwriter.ca/ legislation-regulation/trial- lawyers-doubt-standard- treatment-plans-will-help- auto-insurers-1004125204/