• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Friday Fun: Russian collision repairer becomes internet sensation; 401 driver charged for driving “too slow”

Toronto, Ontario — December 15, 2017 — In this week’s edition of Friday Fun, a Russian collision repair expert becomes internet sensation, 401 driver driving ‘too slow’, more roundabouts planned for the GTA and much, much more.

https://www.collisionrepairmag .com/news/20154-friday-fun-col lision-leads-to-gun-fight-401- driver-charged-for-driving- too-slow

Creating Fairness and Opportunity for People in Ontario

The Ontario government has made major strides this year, fighting for fairness to make sure everyone in our province has the opportunity to share in our growing economy. In 2017, the government took historic action to deliver on its plan to help more people get ahead while continuing to grow the economy. In 2018, the plan will continue to deliver more opportunity and security for families, when a higher minimum wage and free prescription medications for children and youth come into effect on January 1.

https://news.ontario.ca/opo/en /2017/12/creating-fairness-and -opportunity-for-people-in-ont ario.html

WSIB to abolish policy that slashed benefits for thousands

The provincial workers’ compensation board will reverse a controversial policy that slashed benefits by blaming injuries on “pre-existing conditions,” even if they had no physical impact on workers before they got hurt on the job, the Star has learned.

https://www.thestar.com/news/g ta/2017/12/15/wsib-to-abolish- policy-that-slashed-benefits-f or-thousands.html

B.C. reviews list of doctors who can assess auto-injury victims

British Columbia is the second province to review how auto-accident victims are assessed after The Globe and Mail identified problems with the practice across the country.

The province’s public insurer, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, says it is reviewing the list of doctors who can assess accident victims – and says it has already removed one doctor from the roster.

https://www.theglobeandmail.co m/news/british-columbia/bc-rev iews-list-of-doctors-who-can-a ssess-auto-injury-victims/arti cle37323329/

Ontario to review postal code auto rate factor

Auto prices can vary based on the customer’s home address; while this has been a sore point for some consumers, the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario is urging the regulator to think carefully before changing the use postal code rating factors.

https://www.canadianunderwrite r.ca/legislation-regulation/on tario-review-postal-code-auto- rate-factor-1004125055/

Accidental benefits claims disputes may continue despite Ontario auto insurance reforms

The auto insurance changes announced in Ontario last week will probably not reduce disputes over accidental benefits claims, one insurance defense lawyer says. However, brokers and insurance companies mostly agree that the government’s plans are a step in the right direction.

https://www.shopinsurancecanad a.ca/blog/news/accidental-bene fits-claims-disputes-may-conti nue-despite-ontario-auto-insur ance-reforms/

Industry urged to offer auto insurance discounts for installing smartphone-blocking devices

Smart phone and cellphone device use behind the wheel is among the most frequent causes of collision in Canada and makes up nearly 95% of all distracted driving cases. Drivers who use smartphone blocking applications on their devices should be given a discount on their auto insurance rates, some insurance groups argue.

https://www.shopinsurancecanad a.ca/blog/news/industry-urged- to-offer-auto-insurance-discou nts-for-installing-smartphone- blocking-devices/

Canada’s new Chief Justice wrote landmark decisions against insurers

Supreme Court of Canada Justice Richard Wagner, a judge who wrote landmark rulings against Northbridge, RSA, Sovereign General and other Canadian insurers, is now Chief Justice of Canada.

Wagner will succeed Beverly McLachlin, who retires Dec. 15 after serving for 17 years as Chief Justice and 28 years on the Supreme Court of Canada.

https://www.canadianunderwrite r.ca/legal/canadas-new-chief-j ustice-wrote-landmark-decision s-insurers-1004125108/

Applicant reaches 55% WPI and is catastrophically impaired – Gavin and Coachman

Mr. Brian Gavin, an Ontario resident, was injured in an accident in the state of Georgia, U.S.A., on May 14, 2011. Mr. Gavin recalled that he was dozing in the passenger’s side when he awoke to the screaming of his friend who had lost control of the vehicle.  The Jeep left the road, rolling over several times before landing on the passenger side.  His friend was able to climb out of the vehicle leaving Mr. Gavin trapped in the car.  Mr. Gavin testified that when the car came to rest, he found his arm bent over his head unnaturally, the seatbelt had tightened during the crash and was crushing his ribcage area, and the bones from his lower left leg were protruding from the skin.  The driver was screaming, urging him to get out, as the car was about to explode. He sought accident benefits from Coachman but applied for arbitration at the FSCO when mediation failed.

https://www.deutschmannlaw.com /blog/post/applicant-reaches-5 5-wpi-and-is-catastrophically- impaired-gavin-and-coachman

Canada, it’s time to adopt a National Cycling Strategy

Recently, Canada Bikes has requested that our federal government adopt a National Cycling Strategy. Petitions have been circulated and Bill C-312, an Act to Establish a National Cycling Strategy, has already passed it first reading in the House of Commons. The act would not only facilitate the building of safe and efficient cycling infrastructure, but support national programs, standards, education and cycling training.

https://cyclingmagazine.ca/spo tlight/canada-time-adopt-natio nal-cycling-strategy/