• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

News and Views

FAIR letter to the College of Physicians And Surgeons of Ontario regarding the harm to MVA victims

Consumer and patient complaints about IME physicians isn’t useful or transparent when complaints are often disposed of with confidential oral, written, remedial cautions that are not part of the public record. The lack of information about these cautions is putting vulnerable and often cognitively impaired auto accident victims at risk. The public is never told about prior complaints about IME providers and it’s recently come to light that the CPSO isn’t reviewing their own past decisions about member doctors while investigating subsequent complaints. Vendors of medical opinions are assured that they are able to abuse accident victims with impunity when the College fails to follow the regulations that obligate them to consider a member’s prior complaints.

FAIR letter to CPSO regarding transparency August 26 2013

Insurance industry portrays auto accident victims as ‘snakes’ in YouTube video

There are nine million drivers in Ontario who wouldn’t appreciate being called a snake or scammer if they are injured in a car accident. Videos like this can’t be considered as respectful of those injured on Ontario roads.

FAIR Letter to IBC regarding YouTube Snake Video Aug 9 2013

2013 Conference – Hospital to Home on September 12, 2013

FAIR’s Vice Chair, Tammy Kirkwood speaks about advocacy for Ontario’s auto accident victims at 2013 Conference – Hospital to Home September 12, 2013

FAIR will be at the Northern Stars National Rally

FAIR will be at the Northern Stars National Rally, ‘The Happening’ at the Highwayman Inn here in Orillia, ON on July 25, 26 & 27, 2013. http://rally.northernstarsrider.ca/?page_id=5

The Insurance Bureau of Canada refers to accident victims as snakes

So you’ve been injured in a car accident and made a claim for Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS). Your insurer isn’t happy to hear about this and the more seriously you are injured the more they might have to pay. Will your treatment cost more than the $3,500.00 allowed under the MIG? Want to know how your insurer actually sees you and your need for additional treatment? View the Insurance Bureau of Canada U-tube video that “speaks about those who take advantage of their insurance coverage by acquiring therapy after reasonable treatment goals have been met.”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZsCwYu2QfQ

Dealing with Catastrophic Injuries with Tammy Kirkwood

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    Interview with Tammy Kirkwood from FAIR In this interview, catastrophic accident victim Tammy Kirkwood, Vice Chair of Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform discusses her accident and how she is 

Is your privacy at risk when making a claim?

Ontario’s accident victims – is our privacy at risk? We think so when insurers have to change the Federal Privacy laws to get the access to our private and medical information so they can share it with other interested parties. Read our Open Letter to Premier Wynne May 23, 2013

Reforming FSCO


Read FAIR’s speech at the seminar: Reforming FSCO Speech June 2013

FAIR Presents views to the Ontario Standing Committee on Auto Insurance

On April 17, 2013 FAIR presented our views to the Ontario Standing Committee on Auto Insurance at Queen’s Park. To view: FAIR at the Standing Committee – Automobile Insurance April 17 2013

Tammy Kirkwood Submission to Standing Committee April 17 2013

Greg Smith Submission to Standing Committee April 17 2013

Bill Wilson Submission to Standing Commitee April 17 2013


Is the IBC a consumer organization?

Think the IBC is a consumer organization? – check out who the members are: http://www.ibc.ca/en/Need_More_Info/Links/members-insurer-reinsurer.asp

Consumers have noticed the large advertising placed around the Minister of Finance’s buildings by the insurance industry’s lobby group, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). Clearly there are abundant funds for advertising while catastrophically injured accident victims have had their claims delayed and denied by their insurer….Letter to Minister Sousa regarding CAT Round Table April 12 2013

IBC media at the Minister of Finance Building
IBC media at the Minister of Finance Building