• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

The Laywers

‘FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education’

The information provided below is not legal advice, and it may not apply in every situation. FAIR is not a legal service and we do not recommend particular lawyers or firms. We do not provide legal advice. This page is for information purposes only.


We are hearing about more and more cases where the time limitations for filing have lapsed due to a failure by a plaintiff’s legal representative to meet deadlines. Claimants should stay informed of what is happening with their files and forms and ask the questions about filing dates and limitations. Please see some of the decisions and articles listed at the bottom of this page for details

More information on choosing a lawyer or if you have issues with your legal bill here.


FAIR does not accept responsibility for comments, opinions, statistical information etc. associated with the links listed below. Any opinions, points of view, etc. are not necessarily shared by FAIR.




How to Choose a Lawyer

Choosing the right personal injury lawyer is an important task. Below you will find a list of questions PIA member firms have put together to help you with your decision.


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The Low-Down on PIPEDA Requests in Personal Injury Cases

Seemingly out of nowhere, institutional litigants, insurers and the third-party vendors they retain to support their obligations in responding to claims have been inundated with requests for disclosure on pain of complaints or actions to collect damages under the Canadian federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).  In some instances, parties or their lawyers directly approach non-parties such as medical experts and private investigation companies and demand production of documents separately from any disclosure procedures in the claims or law suits.


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Defend Victims, Not Personal Injury Lawyers’ Bottom Lines

Recently, perhaps as a response to MPP Mike Colle’s private member’s bill, some in the media have taken to defending personal injury lawyers and legal contingency fees.

I have to wonder if any of these people has ever been injured in a car accident or had to enlist the services of a personal injury lawyer.


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Proposed contingency-fee limit too low

A 15-per-cent cap on contingency fees could spark an access-to-justice crisis, says Kitchener civil litigator Graham Bennett.

In March, Toronto MPP Mike Colle introduced a private member’s bill, the proposed Personal Injury and Accident Victims Protection Act, that, if passed, would enact amendments to Ontario’s Solicitors Act and its Law Society Act to limit lawyers’ fees to 15 per cent of the total settlement received by their personal injury clients. The bill, which passed first reading in the provincial legislature, would also ban referral fees paid between lawyers for files.


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Contingency fees by Ontario personal injury lawyers should be limited, report says

“There is clear urgency to make the accident benefits system simple and accessible without the need for legal representation,” says the report, written by David Marshall, former CEO of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. “In many ways, the need to have lawyers involved to negotiate settlements in what should be a straightforward, no-fault, accident benefits system signals a failure in the system.”


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