• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

The Laywers

‘FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education’

The information provided below is not legal advice, and it may not apply in every situation. FAIR is not a legal service and we do not recommend particular lawyers or firms. We do not provide legal advice. This page is for information purposes only.


We are hearing about more and more cases where the time limitations for filing have lapsed due to a failure by a plaintiff’s legal representative to meet deadlines. Claimants should stay informed of what is happening with their files and forms and ask the questions about filing dates and limitations. Please see some of the decisions and articles listed at the bottom of this page for details

More information on choosing a lawyer or if you have issues with your legal bill here.


FAIR does not accept responsibility for comments, opinions, statistical information etc. associated with the links listed below. Any opinions, points of view, etc. are not necessarily shared by FAIR.




Which lawyers will win or lose in front of which judges? There’s now an app to predict that

Loom Analytics, another Canadian success story in the emerging world of legal technology, is poised to play a leading role in the application of data analytics to legal services.


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David Versus Goliath – Lawyer’s Professional Responsibility & Self-Represented Litigants

In our Canadian justice system, self-represented litigants (“SRLs”) are arguably the underdogs since they face a host of obstacles including large financial costs and unnecessarily complicated processes. Accordingly, as the number of people representing themselves continues to grow, it is important to establish a commitment to respectful behaviour towards SRLs in the Model Code of Professional Conduct, in order to ensure fair and equal access to justice. [1]


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Diamond & Diamond attempting to quash bill aimed at protecting accident victims

Personal injury law firm Diamond & Diamond has hired a lobbyist to persuade politicians to kill a private member’s bill aimed at fixing a system critics call a “black hole” for accident victims.


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The Law Society adopts new Rules to protect the Public from Misleading Advertising and Fee Practices

In response to increasing concerns and complaints about misleading advertising of lawyer services, in February 2016, the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) established the Advertising and Fee Issues Working Group to collect information, investigate complaints and consider potential regulatory responses to inappropriate practices.


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Contingency fee cap would only benefit insurance industry: Brown

Few lawyers would take on cases if contingency fees are capped at 15 per cent, as suggested by a private member’s bill, Toronto critical injury lawyer Patrick Brown tells The Lawyers Daily.

In effect, the cap on fees would cut off legal services to injured people, says Brown, partner with McLeish Orlando LLP.


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